Each network has news features, dramatic presentations, comedies and sports events.
This thesis does primary research into C-E translating strategies of features so as to provide reference for further study.
Much research has been made in news translation. However, little research into the translating strategies of news features are made, and nobody has studied the C-E translating strategies yet.
难易程度:中度挑战你需要: 记采访笔记的方法 写作方法 写作指南如何写新闻特写 第一步为你的特写选一个题目。
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging Instructions Things You'll Need: A way to take notes A way to write How to write a news feature story Step 1 Pick a topic for your features story.
A feature story is an essay written by a journalist or news reporter on varied subjects of human interest.
Feature writing gives you the opportunity to fine-tune your storytelling ability, while still adhering to journalistic standards and format.
Paul Nicklen makes friends with polar wildlife, photographing seals, polar bears, narwhals and others in remarkable closeups.
"In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activity will falter and headlines will continue to be scary," Buffett wrote.
It became [a regular feature and] this distinctive way to end the broadcast.
Then others, like me, work for the healthcare institutions doing pre-op patient photos and environmental portraits of doctors taking care of patients, for PR, advertisements and newsletters.
A "feature" is a story with limited hard news value that is still worthy of being featured on television. Examples of this type of story are festivals, parades and "good news" human-interest stories.
There's an interesting feature article in the Chronicle about doing business in China and the Daily News has printed a report about the special economic zone near Paris.
The previous categories of news and feature photography will now be combined into one category of Excellence in photography.
Reading newspaper, we have to deal with all kinds of articles, such as news, editorials, features and advertisements, among which the amount of news occupies more than half of the page space.
Most news, editorials, analysis and features are written by staff.
The Extreme Feature of News should become riper after correcting these negative tendencies.
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency is an international news service that provides up-to-the-minute reports, analysis pieces and features on events and issues of concern to the Jewish people.
The report was authored by Deborah Cohen (BMJ features editor), and Philip Carter, a journalist who works for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London.
The report was authored by Deborah Cohen (BMJ features editor), and Philip Carter, a journalist who works for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London.