• 出生于羊年誉为善良施舍者

    People who was born in the Year of Sheep, known as the most kind-hearted giver.


  • 初次体验到一个乞讨变为施舍者那种微妙的感情变化

    She was now experiencing the first shades of feeling of that subtle change which removes one out of the ranks of the suppliants into the lines of the dispensers of charity.


  • 享有得福良机可以上帝施舍者他想到的是一己的安逸而已。

    He had a blessed opportunity of being God's almoner, but he thought only of ministering to his own comfort.


  • 实施惩罚方式可以惩罚治愈而非制造创伤正如施舍方式可以面包施舍手中变成石头那样。

    Punishment may be inflicted in such a way that it will heal, not make a wound, just as alms may be given in such a manner that the bread changes to a stone in the hands of the giver.


  • 盖茨基金会运作定下了一系列规章制度明确要求基金会不得傲慢的“施舍心理”,确保运作透明高效

    Gates is run for foundation placed a series of regulations system, specific requirement foundation must not have proud "almsgiver psychology", ensure run transparent and efficient.


  • 我们若愿那些代表我们感激的东西赠与对方,而这种赠与也成了施舍者一种艺术时,就深深体会这句深奥的话:“给予收受。”

    When the giving of symbols of our appreciation and love to others becomes an art form to the giver, these profound words can be understood: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."


  • 考虑无法阻止遣返人员随即重新返回法国,法国官员通过采集指纹以此确保遣送不再受到更多施舍

    Acknowledging that they will not be able to stop the Roma from coming straight back, French officials have taken fingerprints in order to make sure such returnees do not receive any more handouts.


  • 诺佛葛瑞兹不会雇用杰弗里•萨克斯一个有影响力的经济学家)那样,认为最底层的那十亿人得都算不上消费应该偶尔接受一些免费施舍的人。

    Ms Novogratz dismisses those such as Jeffrey Sachs, an influential economist, who think that the bottom billion are too poor to be treated as consumers, and should sometimes receive handouts instead.


  • 生活可以看到那些打算无家可归施舍美元人们放弃了念头,因为他们担心用钱去买

    This can be seen in action when people who want to give a dollar or two to a homeless person do not, because they are afraid the person will buy booze with it.


  • 施舍清洁能源拥护马歇尔计划榜样

    Advocates for the great clean energy handout use the Marshall Plan as their model.


  • 多为那些陷入麻烦的人解忧,并不期望回报,施舍处当志愿,将食物玩具赠动物收容所花园里额外青菜将它捐赠于慈善会,我们经常自诩为善,但事实胜于雄辩,所以行动起来吧。

    Volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate food and toys to an animal shelter. Plant an extra row of vegetables in your garden and donate the produce to a charity.


  • 这个冰箱发起坚称这项服务不是施舍每个人都可以拿走什么拿走什么。

    The creators of the fridge are adamant that the service is not a charity - anyone can come and just take whatever food they want.


  • 慈善机构慷慨的捐献收集施舍

    Charity organizations collect alms from generous donors.


  • 乞讨两个孩子》因为维语,也不知道该不该施舍他们一些

    The beggar and his two children I don't know the Uygur language, so I am wondering what had happened to them and whether I should give them some money.


  • 股市交易投资一个坚实季度我们认为即将到来奥巴马万亿美元施舍能够恢复一些股市损失

    Shares traders and investors have one more solid quarter, in our view to regain some stock market losses on the forthcoming Obama Trillion Dollar handouts.


  • 有的认为施舍使接受蒙羞。

    Some people think that charity degrades those who receive it.


  • 亲爱的朋友乞讨施舍吗?

    My dear friends, have you ever given a beggar some money?


  • 施舍掠夺一样可恶,对捐献接受有失公平

    Charity is as bad as brigandage. Charity is really just as unfair to the recipient as to the donor.


  • 如果出门的话,也会为老弱病残让座施舍乞讨

    On days that I go out, I will offer my seat to those who are senior, weak, ill or disabled or give money to the beggers.


  • 若把食粮施舍饥饿满足贫穷心灵那么,你的光明黑暗升起,你的幽暗中午

    When thou shalt pour out thy soul to the hungry, and shalt satisfy the afflicted soul then shall thy light rise up in darkness, and thy darkness shall be as the noonday.


  • 若把食粮施舍饥饿满足贫穷心灵那么,你的光明黑暗升起,你的幽暗中午

    When thou shalt pour out thy soul to the hungry, and shalt satisfy the afflicted soul then shall thy light rise up in darkness, and thy darkness shall be as the noonday.


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