The piston rod of family sedan's rear snubber fractured duringearlier stage of rotary bending fatigue test.
Fatigue properties of three case hardening steels for heavy duty gears after carburization were investigated by means of rotating bending fatigue tests.
The effect of RE on fatigue behaviours of structural steels was investigated with a rotating bending fatigue machine.
In the present study, tensile and repeated impact as well as rotated-bending fatigue tests were carried out.
Then hardness of coatings and substrate was measured. By means of bend-rotation fatigue tests, fatigue strength of coating and uncoating specimens was compared after hardening and tempering.
This paper presents the structural features and characteristics of the radial impact tester, torsional fatigue tester, rotary bending tester and radial load tester used for the tests.
The process of crack initiation and propagation was observed through replication, and the effect of grain size on the behaviour of short fatigue cracks was studied.
The process of crack initiation and propagation was observed through replication, and the effect of grain size on the behaviour of short fatigue cracks was studied.