• 空气中运行的旋转受力通常分为升力阻力

    The forces on a spinning ball that is flying through the air are generally divided into two types: a lift force and a drag force.


  • 曲线旋转使的飞行线路呈曲线。

    Curve ball: a pitch thrown with a rotation that makes the ball curve.


  • 上手不同方法例如上手、手旋转球大力发等。

    Overhand serves may be played in differents ways, such as the overhand floater serve, the overhand spin serve and the power serve.


  • 上手不同方法例如上手、上手旋转球大力发等。

    Overhand serves may be played in differents ways, such as the overhand floater serve, the overhand spin serve and the power serve.


  • 此处关键在于大气折合密度会影响空中穿越速度以及旋转弯曲度

    The key to this is the reduced density of the atmosphere, which affects how fast the ball moves through the air and also the bend of a spinning ball.


  • 这个区域内的击能够目标方向,这个原则在击打旋转一样!

    The racquet path can be circular overall, however, when it passes through the impact point, it needs to straighten out towards the target. This principle applies, even when hitting with spin.


  • 打出旋转得很厉害。

    She puts a lot of spin on the ball.


  • 略带旋转地又投掷了回去

    He threw it back again, putting a slight spin on the ball.


  • 这种又节约能源设计,最特别的可以多个方向旋转的类似水晶

    The small, energy-efficient design is notable for its crystal ball-like shape which allows it to spin in all directions.


  • 磁力悬浮或者磁悬浮,使这个旋转始终保持同一位置循环滚动机器得更干净。

    Magnetic levitation, or maglev, holds the ball in place while it spins around, getting clothes cleaner than a circular-spinning drum ever could.


  • 导致作用力产生一个扭矩使旋转

    This causes the applied force to act as a torque, which therefore gives the ball a spin.


  • 投手手中快速旋转飞出。

    The ball twisted swiftly from the pitcher's hand.


  • 这些恒星非常紧密地簇拥一个直径大约150光年空间里,他们这个星团旋转,直至生命耗尽。

    These stars are packed so closelytogether in a ball, approximately 150 light-years across, that theywill spend their entire lives whirling around in the cluster.


  • 弗兰第二开始时命中一个旋转的任意,追平比分,乌拉圭最终取胜。

    Forlan tied it with a swirling free kick early in the second half, then penalty kicks won it for Uruguay.


  • 还有门绝技,进攻,出神入化。大多数击出的本应是上旋,可她击出的丝毫没有半点旋转,火猴的把握也十分到位

    She also showed off an odd but very effective offensive lob; where most people hit it with topspin, hers had virtually no spin at all, and she chose the moments to use it well.


  • 衣物装这个各个方向旋转衣服洗得超干净外表看上去就像家里的一理想主义艺术品

    The interior ball holds the clothing and swirls around in all directions to provide a superior clean while the exterior sits in your home looking like a fascinating piece of futuristic art.


  • 投手禁止人为旋转轨线例如切口或上戳刺,也禁止投手污垢烟草头油变色。

    Pitchers were forbidden to give the ball an artificial spin or trajectory by, for instance, nicking it or spitting on it and from discolouring the ball with dirt or tobacco juice or hair grease.


  • 由于“团队星”独特空气动力学设计,导致飞行空中缺乏旋转,这种设计遭到了很多门将的诟病,他们认为这样的飞行路径过于飘忽,难以判断。

    While the Teamgeist ball was great for strikers, many goal keepers complained that the ball's aerodynamics created a lack of rotation in the air, making its path at times erratic, like a knuckleball.


  • 迪斯科漫不经心地旋转着,屋子偶尔红红绿绿的光线浸润

    A half-hearted disco ball sporadically bathes the room in red and green light.


  • 物理学选中曲员。如果守门员没有完全适应飞行那么旋转会带来大的时间优势

    The physics points towards a curler: if the keeper isn't fully acclimatised to the flight of the ball then the bending shot gives a bigger time advantage.


  • 还有个“控桌,比一般乒乓宽大,装饰了企鹅玩偶,还能旋转增加机会

    Then there is the Kong Pong table with a wider, swiveling table-tennis top to increase chances of hitting the ball, along with penguin lawn ornaments.


  • 假定一个固体,比如说,流速场中的乒乓它会告诉你,乒乓怎样开始旋转的。

    It will tell you, say that you have a very small solid, I don't know like a ping pong ball in your flow, it tells you how it is going to start rotating.


  • 假定一个固体,比如说,流速场中的乒乓它会告诉你,乒乓怎样开始旋转的。

    It will tell you, say that you have a very small solid, I don't know like a ping pong ball in your flow, it tells you how it is going to start rotating.


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