• 固定期限劳动合同劳动合同一种重要形式

    The flexible-term labor contract is an important kind of labor contract.


  • 固定期限劳动合同劳动合同中的一种重要类型

    No fixed-term labor contract is an important kind of contract among labor contracts.


  • 第四部分主要介绍保障无固定期限劳动合同顺利推行配套措施

    Fourthly, the author introduces the supporting measures to protect the smooth implementation of non-fixed term labor contract.


  • 用人单位是否必须病假员工签订固定期限劳动合同

    Must the employing unit sign the open-ended labor contract with the long-term (more than 10 years) sick leave employee?


  • 同意公司续签无固定期限劳动合同严格遵守公司规章制度

    I agree on the Labour Contract (Open-ended) Renewal with Company. I will comply with its Regulations strictly.


  • 我国无固定期限劳动合同普遍关注源于《劳动合同法》颁布实施

    Much attention has been paid to it since the implement of Labor Contract Law in our country.


  • 力求法律手段鼓励引导用人单位劳动订立固定期限劳动合同

    Use legal means to encourage and guide employers and workers use without a fixed term labor contract.


  • 劳动合同期限制度问题实质上固定期限固定期限劳动合同选择适用问题。

    Research on the terms of the labor contracts virtually is the problem about choices that are made between fixed-term contracts non-fixed-term contracts.


  • 同时劳动基础,对固定期限劳动合同制度做出细化完善规定

    At the same time, based on the "labor Law", it makes detailed and comprehensive requirements on open-ended labor contract system.


  • 固定期限劳动合同其它劳动合同类型一样,适用劳动协商变更原则

    Without a fixed term labor contract with the other types of labor contracts, as also applies to the "Labor Law" to change the principle of consultation.


  • 也就是说无固定期限劳动合同固定期限劳动合同下,用人单位解除条件是一致的。

    That is, for an employer, to prematurely terminate the labor contract, either it is a fixed-term labor contract, or it is a unfixed-term labor contract, the conditions are totally the same.


  • 劳动合同分为固定期限劳动合同无固定期限劳动合同以及以完成一定工作期限劳动合同

    The labor contracts can be divided into the labor contract of fixed term, the labor contract of unfixed term and the labor contract of term of accomplishment of certain work.


  • 也就是说固定期限劳动合同无固定期限劳动合同项下,用人单位解除限制条件是完全相同的。

    That is to say, the limitations of prematurely termination the fixed-term labor contract and the unfixed-term labor contract by the employer are consistent with each other.


  • 2008年1月1日《劳动合同实施以来,我国无固定期限劳动合同法律适用问题不断。

    The "labor contract law" which has been implemented since January 1, 2008, exposed many problems in the legal application.


  • 第十二劳动合同分为固定期限劳动合同固定期限劳动合同完成一定工作任务期限劳动合同

    Article 12 labor contracts are classified into labor contracts with a fixed period, labor contracts without a fixed period and labor contracts with a period to complete the prescribed work.


  • 协调利益冲突过程中,《劳动合同》中承载核心价值无固定期限劳动合同价值取向发生了矛盾。

    In the process of interest coordination, the value orientation of non-fixed-term labor contract which assumes the core value of "labor contract Law" is conflicting.


  • 用人单位自用工之起满一年劳动订立书面劳动合同,视为用人单位与劳动者已订立固定期限劳动合同

    Article 14 labor contracts with unfixed terms shall refer to labor contracts the termination date of which is not agreed between employing units and laborers.


  • 主要介绍企业规避固定期限劳动合同几种方式,并运用法律利益学说观点,深入分析了企业规避根本原因。

    With the help of view of the legal doctrine of interest, the author deeply analyzes the reason why enterprises avoid the non-fixed term labor contracts.


  • 根据劳动合同的规定,满足上述1.1.1至1.1.3条件情况用人单位可以解除劳动无固定期限劳动合同

    According to the labor contract Law, the employer may also prematurely terminate the unfixed-term labor contract under any circumstance as mentioned in Article 1.1.1 to 1.1.3.


  • 劳动合同》规定,保护劳动合法权益,企业必须劳动者签订书面合同,并鼓励签订无固定期限合同

    The labor law makes the use of written contracts mandatory and encourages open-ended contracts to protect the rights of workers.


  • 合同无固定期限劳动合同合同期从_________合同法定解除终止合同条件出现时止。

    This contract is a non-fixed term labor contract: contract term From Date Month Year to the occurrence of legal or stipulated dissolution or termination conditions.


  • 第七劳动合同期限分为固定期限无固定期限和以完成一定工作期限

    Time limit of the labor contract is divided into fixed time limit, non fixed time limit and time limit depending on the accomplishment of a certain work.


  • 完善劳动合同期限制度固定期限合同为主,建立新型固定期限劳动合同

    A perfect regulation of the term of laboring contract should be "no fixed time limit contract," with the establishment of new type fixed time limit laboring contract.


  • 劳动合同法》规定,保护劳动合法权益,企业必须劳动者签订书面合同,并鼓励签订无固定期限合同

    The Labour law makes the use of written contracts mandatory and encourages open-ended contracts to protect the rights of workers.


  • 第二十劳动合同期限分为固定期限无固定期限完成一定工作期限

    Article 20 the term of a Labour contract shall be divided into fixed term, flexible term or taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term.


  • 第二十劳动合同期限分为固定期限无固定期限完成一定工作期限

    Article 20 the term of a Labour contract shall be divided into fixed term, flexible term or taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term.


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