• 采用这种无线供电方式无需长长的电源线使用方便

    By adopting the wireless power supply mode, the power source device has no need for long power source wires, thereby achieving convenient utilization.


  • 邦德史密斯博士开发无线供电最近几年不能进行临床应用。

    The wireless heart pump developed by Dr Bonde and Dr Smith will not be available for a few years, however.


  • 一些人来说,无线供电起来科幻小说,非常真实

    To some, the idea may sound like pure science fiction, but it is very real.


  • 无线供电一种新兴技术实现近距离、接触电能传输

    Wireless powering is a new technique, which can make power transferred to load without any physical connection.


  • 采用无线遥测技术无线供电技术,研制动态扭矩测试仪

    Using wireless short range remote control test and power supply technology, the paper develops dynamic torque test apparatus.


  • 尼古拉特斯拉世纪之初研究无线供电科学先哲,一定会感到很欣慰。

    Nikola Tesla, the scientist who was working on wireless power around the turn of the last century, would be proud.


  • 当然还有很长的路,目前无线供电技术仅限于英尺并且很大的线圈来传送电力

    Of course, that’s a ways off, right now the technology only works over a few feet and that’s using very large coils (see the picture above) to send the electricity.


  • 然而周四英特尔展示无线供电技术可以传输60动力英尺远同时还能保持75%的效率

    On Thursday however, Intel showed that it could transmit 60 watts of power over a few feet while maintaining 75 percent efficiency.


  • 英特尔微处理器著称不过本周英特尔开发者论坛(IDF)上推出另一项引来热烈讨论技术无线供电

    Intel is mainly known for its microprocessors, but it's another technology that was unveiled at this week's Intel Developer Forum (IDF) that has a lot of people talking: Wireless power.


  • 对于笔记本电脑来说这样无线供电效率不够高。”英特尔首席技术贾斯汀•赖特采访中对今日美国说。

    “The power pack for you laptop isn’t that efficient, ” Intel chief technology officer Justin Rattner told USA Today in an interview.


  • 2008英特尔公司无线供电解决方案炫耀了一早些年的拉斯维加斯消费电器展上,几个生产商便展出无线充电设备

    In 2008, Intel showed off its take on wireless power solutions, while at the Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas earlier this year, several manufacturers unveiled wire-free charging devices.


  • 多年世界各地各色科学家小组一直致力于无线供电研究,效率一直是主要问题确切说是电力在空气传输效率问题,绝大部分电力在到达目的地之前就损失了。

    Various groups of scientists around the world have been working on it for years, but the problem has mainly been the efficiency, or rather the inefficiency with which power is transfered over the air.


  • 周边专用微波发射器给一些安装建筑物工业机器上的无线传感器小型电子设备供电已经成为可能

    It is already possible to power small electronic devices, such as wireless sensors installed in buildings and industrial machinery, using a dedicated microwave transmitter nearby.


  • 既然如今无线通信无处不在,那么供电来说,我们何不同样永久摆脱电源线的束缚呢?

    Wireless communication is ubiquitous, after all, so why can't we permanently unshackle our electronics from power cables too?


  • 为了给筏子上的现代小工具提——卫星导航仪,应急无线电标识,船舶自动识别仪——我们准备了块太阳能电池板一架风力发电机一部兼健身器脚踏

    To create electricity for our modern AIDS - GPS, EPIRB, AIS, Satnav and so forth - we have four solar panels, a wind generator and a foot pump, which will also serve as exercise equipment.


  • 专家相信仅仅是个开始最终无线电力-有人称为WiTricity”-像WiFi互联网的贡献一样电池供电

    Experts believe this is just the beginning and that eventually wireless electricity - dubbed "WiTricity" by some - could do for battery life what WiFi did for the Internet.


  • 平均每个陆战队员所携带装备9一次性电池,用于夜视无线电台这些设备供电

    An average Marine carries about 9lbs of disposable batteries in their kit to power equipment such as night vision goggles and radios.


  • 1898年,提出了巨型广播全球系统”,巨型广播塔形成全球无线通讯网络,又能成为给没有电线广大区域的一种举措。

    In 1898 he proposed a "world system" of giant towers that would form both a global wireless communications network and a means of delivering electricity over large areas without wires.


  • 无线技术无线输电可能可以利用现有广播环境辐射设备供电么?

    Wireless technology: it is already possible to send electricity without wires. Can devices be powered using ambient radiation from existing broadcasts?


  • 其中就是二轮机器人段距离以外的使用者可以通过电池供电耳机发出指令,无线遥控机器人。

    One is a two-wheeled robot that can be moved forward by a user standing at a distance, who wears a battery-powered headset that transmits signals wirelessly.


  • 使得利用太阳能无线装置提成为可能

    This makes it possible to power the radios using solar energy.


  • 20世纪60年代无线传输概念再次被提出,当时展出一种微型直升机通过地面发出微波光束供电

    Wireless transmission emerged again in the 1960s, with a demonstration of a miniature helicopter powered using microwaves beamed from the ground.


  • 通过无线感应系统电梯内部照明以及电子产品,无需再使用物理牵引缆线

    This system can also deliver power to the car's internal lighting and electronics through wireless induction, so no physical tether is needed.


  • 罗斯·蒙特702无线发射器采用离散各种供电压力流量液位开关输入开关类型

    The Rosemount 702 Wireless Discrete Transmitter takes a variety of non-powered switch types such as pressure, flow and level switches as input.


  • 意味着我们准确地知道电池供电无线手持设备是否足够的电量完成处理。

    But this means that we must definitively know whether our handheld wireless, battery-powered device has enough power to complete the transactions.


  • 介绍一种应用于电池供电无线内视镜系统的片上集成电源管理单元

    This paper presents an integrated power management unit(PMU)for a battery-operated wireless endoscopic system.


  • 可能应当准备电池供电的收发报机无线对讲机。

    You may also want to have a battery-powered CB or other two-way radio.


  • 介绍采用太阳能供电水位无线监测系统设计太阳能供电电源管理系统。

    The design of radio monitoring system for water level using power supplied by solar energy was introduced, and the solar-powered power management system was also described.


  • 介绍采用太阳能供电水位无线监测系统设计太阳能供电电源管理系统。

    The design of radio monitoring system for water level using power supplied by solar energy was introduced, and the solar-powered power management system was also described.


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