As a quiet and industrious novelist, Guo Ping described the daily life with solicitude for minor objects.
Returning to the life world refers to the return to the daily life world directly and to the primitive life world indirectly and finally.
The moral order of a world of daily life is as a matter of course for the vast majority of the people, but how does this moral order be possible?
Leisure education promotes the quality of individual life while helping to integrate the world of daily life with the world of non-daily life.
According to this theory, Husserl distinguishes the life-world from the scientific world, and divides the former into two levels, namely ordinary life world and original life world.
Narrative research, with its open process and conclusion, is a research method of the spirit of post-modernism, facing up to the world of daily life and laying its emphasis on listening up and...
Modern philosophy mainly studies phenomena of daily life. It obviously trends towards "ordinary" in modern language philosophy, life philosophy and art philosophy.
We are now living in a world where computers rule our work and daily life. So online searches have already become a must.
For many hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, online networking has become enmeshed in our daily lives.
Everyday heroes are normal people who are working to make the world a better place.
That information can be used to improve your daily life and improve the world around you.
I was occupying two separate worlds - contemporary art and Judaism - and at the level of daily functionality, they don't really mix well.
Those spiritual visits to high places, and that wonderful intercourse with the unseen world, are not in the promises; the daily life of communion is.
We're taking participants out into the real world, and then in the scanner we'll test their memories for events from their everyday lives.
What I do is lay out a method of viewing the world, and my exercises are designed to be done in your everyday life.
So I decided to come to Yakutsk for myself to find out how people manage to survive, and go about something resembling daily life, in the world's coldest place.
Approximately half of the world's population relies upon biomass fuels - such as wood, dung and agricultural wastes - for everyday tasks such as cooking, drying crops and purifying water.
To recreate the daily activities of these bankers as well as their world view, the exhibition includes paintings and mercantile paraphernalia, from weighty ledgers to nautical maps.
Ten thousand years ago, the sound of daily life began to change across the world, as new rhythms of grinding and pounding prepared the new foods that were going to change our diets and our landscapes.
It gives opportunity to reflect a lot, contemplate a lot about not only your own daily activities, but just what's going on in the world around you.
Though China's number of billionaires is 2nd only to the US, for most Chinese people, the idea of charity seems detached from their daily life, time.com reported Sunday.
Ramesh Raskar: the World Health Organization estimates that over half a billion people have uncorrected refractive error, which is affecting their daily livelihood.
His legacy will be not just his products and business achievements, but also the way in which he altered mindsets in the business world and in everyday life.
As another way people understand the world, witchcraft directs the daily life of humankind silently by adages, nursery rhymes, no-no and so on.
I think the results will greatly improve everyday life here on earth.
The comic reflects the image of our modern world in which technology has been an inseparable part of people's daily life.
Our everyday life scripts-our habits, self-perceptions and assumptions-go out the window, and we are left with a raw experience of the world.
Our everyday life scripts-our habits, self-perceptions and assumptions-go out the window, and we are left with a raw experience of the world.