• 今天世界随着日新月异科技发生着迅速的变化。

    Today, the world is changing rapidly with the ever-changing technology.


  • 如今我们,在日新月异的科技革新面前,已经变得越来越适应

    Nowadays, we become more and more accustomed to the technological innovation.


  • 但是越来越聪明大脑日新月异科技进展机器眼越来越贴近生活。

    But rapid progress, coupled with the growing number of brilliant minds taking up the challenge, is making intelligent robo-eyesight within reach.


  • 历经世纪洗练,博世日新月异科技进步正成就着亿万中国家庭美好生活

    Bosch fast progress with each passing day in the development of technology, having undergone a century's test, is now contributing to a good life for billions of Chinese families.


  • 日新月异科技使得我们可以用广阔的视野看待环境行为相联系表观遗传变化

    Improving technologies are now providing a broader look at the epigenetic changes linked to environment and behavior.


  • 日新月异的科技无疑丰富我们生活不过也有着为数不少事情沦为科技进步牺牲品正在逐渐消失。

    There is no doubt that our lives have been enriched by new technologies, but many activities have fallen victim to technological advances and are fading out.


  • 面对快速变化市场日新月异的科技进步——金融方法上的,医疗上的,农业方法上的,软件上的——管理机构需要快速做出决定

    Faced with a rapidly changing market and technological advances-of financial instruments, medical therapies, agricultural methods, software-the regulatory agencies have to make decisions quickly.


  • 科技日新月异时代过多的信息使人人应接不暇

    In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload.


  • 尽管确实电脑编程略知一二(这个事实也让现在的助手吃了,毕竟,科技进步日新月异,人们常常望尘莫及)。

    I did know something about computer programming (a fact that surprised my own research assistants, for changes in technology have made this human capital long obsolete).


  • 是说科技日新月异会使人们逐渐丧失交往技巧。

    I mean, we're losing our people skills because of the wonderful technology is there.


  • 大部分家长孩子小时候没有正确处理类问题而且科技日新月异今天,很难危险发生之前就察觉出来

    Most parents didn’t have to deal with these issues when they were young and with technology advancing so fast it’s hard to stay on top of the threats, let alone understand them.


  • 是说科技日新月异会使人们逐渐丧失交往技巧。

    I mean, we're losing our people skills because of the wonderful technology is the there.


  • 科技样式日新月异然而,尽管辨认时间的手段很多,但我们大多数还是将手腕上一个神圣地方留给手表

    Styles and technologies change, but whatever we use to tell time, most people consider the wrist a sacrosanct spot reserved for a timepiece.


  • 如今许多社交网站却引起了邓数量变动,针对这一现象的近期研究表明人们心智能力的进化并没有赶得上科技变化的日新月异

    Recent study into how social networking sites affect Dunbar's number indicates that that advances in technology have not been matched by changes in mental capacity.


  • 用来反制盗版科技日新月异

    The technology used to counter pirates is also becoming more sophisticated.


  • 加之现代科技日新月异对于现代体育教师机智结构未来适应必将引起更高要求

    Moreover, the modern science and technology change with each passing day, it must arouse higher requirement of sport teachers' Intellectual structure and the future suit.


  • 摘要生活每天进行日新月异变化,科技产物不断诞生人们不同需求想象逐步实现生活中。

    ABSTRACT: life every day in change with each passing day, high-tech product constantly, to the different needs of people imagine gradually achieve in life.


  • 开会的实质图纸碰头会一般设计院设计标准标准电子科技产品更新日新月异

    The meeting is meeting the general design drawings, Design Institute standards are the old standard of Electronic Science and technology product updates change rapidly.


  • 世界日新月异科技已经使得一切都变得更加便宜快捷。而我们不妨扪心自问年后奢侈品消费者哪些与众不同的东西?

    In a changing world where technology makes everything so much cheaper (and so fast), it's worth asking what luxury consumers will want a few years from now that everyone can't have.


  • 当今时代,科技经济都取得迅猛发展人们生活水平居住环境发生日新月异变化

    Nowadays, with the fast development of technology and economy, the living level and environment of people also took place the variety of the continuous changes.


  • 材料随着社会科技进步日新月异,也迅速改变刷新着人们对艺术看法。

    Materials have been undergoing great changes with each passing day with the advance of science and technology, and reshape constantly our conception of fine arts.


  • 科技日新月异今天自然日益疏远违背的自然本性

    In todays ever-changing technology, man and nature is growing alienation, which is contrary to the human nature.


  • 如今随着科技日新月异人们需求不断提升高清电视互联网电视、手机电视等等众多形势都涌现出来

    And now, with rapid development of science and technology and people demand upbeat, High-definition TV, Internet TV, mobile TV and so on many of the emerging situation.


  • 这个世界进步太快随时随地都在发生着改变科技也是日新月异我们应该接受即将到来的改变,适应这样的改变,不是害怕否认逃避

    With the world moving so fast and constantly changing, and technology accelerating faster than ever, we need to embrace what's coming and adapt, rather than fear it, deny it or hide from it.


  • 日新月异适用于大群人的科技实际上是不是正在减少师生间接触和联系吗?

    Are newer tools of technology which can be used with large groups actually decreasing the personal contact between teacher and student?


  • 经过多年历练科技按摩健身产品日新月异今天游刃有余。

    After many years of experience in fitness products in the rapidly changing high-tech massage today to its capability.


  • 日新月异市场变革公司坚持注重科技人性自然和谐统一不断开创新的天地

    In the market that continuous changes and improvements replace inside, company will insist to make a point of the technology, human nature, nature to unify, and continuously found the new world.


  • 日新月异市场变革公司坚持注重科技人性自然和谐统一不断开创新的天地

    In the market that continuous changes and improvements replace inside, company will insist to make a point of the technology, human nature, nature to unify, and continuously found the new world.


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