Japan's securities regulators are notoriously toothless, but shareholders — including those with the largest stakes in Olympus - are starting to speak up.
Some of Olympus’s largest shareholders, including Nippon Life, which holds 8%, have demanded more disclosure.
“这就是现代的日本企业的公投,”迈克尔•伍德福德(Michael Woodford),一个被日本相机制造商奥林巴斯踢出高层的英国佬愤愤不平地说道。
“THIS is a referendum on modern-day corporate Japan,” fumes Michael Woodford, a Brit cast down from the heights of Olympus, a Japanese camera maker.
However their Japan offices, though not required to follow the British decision, approved the Olympus group accounts without knowing the answer to this rather glaring conundrum.
Olympus's odd transactions were first reported this summer by a small investigative magazine called Facta, but ignored by the mainstream Japanese press.
Mr Takayama was asked whether any of Olympus's financial advisers had ties to "anti-social forces", a euphemism for the yakuza (Japanese Mafia). He replied: "I don't acknowledge that at all."
Woodford's account and the hostile Olympus news conference provide a rare example of conflict spilling into the open in Japan's typically closed and consensus-driven corporate culture .
“这就是现代的日本企业的公投,”迈克尔·伍德福德(Michael Woodford),一个被日本相机制造商奥林巴斯踢出高层的英国佬愤愤不平地说道。
"THIS is a referendum on modern-day corporate Japan," fumes Michael Woodford, a Brit cast down from the heights of Olympus, a Japanese camera maker.
In recent years, the Japanese enterprise management frequent scandal, especially Olympus billing disarray, and makes people have reason to believe, Wagner's prophecy is still have realistic meanings.
日本成像设备生产商奥林巴斯OlympusCorp。的英籍总裁兼首席执行长伍德福德Michael c。
Michael C. Woodford said that last Wednesday, as President and chief executive of Japan's Olympus Corp.
日本成像设备生产商奥林巴斯OlympusCorp。的英籍总裁兼首席执行长伍德福德Michael c。
Michael C. Woodford said that last Wednesday, as President and chief executive of Japan's Olympus Corp.