• 朱兰还是质量管理开拓者之一帮助日本丰田汽车公司质量方面达到国际标准

    Juran is also one of the pioneers of quality management that has helped make Japanese companies like Toyota international benchmarks in terms of reliability.


  • 日本商业游说团体首脑菅直人首相决定只是场闹剧损害包括本田汽车公司丰田汽车公司在内邻近产业

    The head of Japan's business lobby called Mr Kan's decision a piece of theatre that would harm industry nearby, including factories run by Honda and Toyota.


  • 丰田汽车公司计划2012年之前美国推出电动汽车丰田持股16%的富士重工去年已在日本推出款电动汽车

    Toyota plans to launch electric vehicles by 2012 in the U.S., while Fuji Heavy Industries, in which Toyota owns a 16% stake, launched an electric car in Japan last year.


  • 詹姆斯麦克等人的著作《改变世界机器》(1990年)将日本丰田汽车公司生产制造系统推广开,系统强调零件恰好够用并且员工应具有前瞻性

    "The Machine That Changed the World" (1990) by James Womack et al popularised Toyota's manufacturing system with its emphasis on just-in-time parts and proactive workers.


  • 日本最大的汽车制造商丰田汽车公司星期二警告说国内需求可能出现急剧下降

    Toyota warned on Tuesday that there will be a sharp downturn in domestic demand.


  • 本田汽车(HondaMotorCo.)总裁伊东孝绅(Takanobu Ito)公司可能面临着令人畏惧的任务。 本田汽车日本销量第二汽车公司,仅次于丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor Corp.)。

    Honda Motor Co. President Takanobu Ito said the auto maker, second in sales in Japan to industry giant Toyota Motor Corp., faces a potentially daunting task.


  • 日本丰田汽车公司一直致力于研究名为Entune的车内系统系统使司机通过无线蓝牙其他方式对智能手机进行连接

    Japan's Toyota has also been working on an in-car system, called Entune, to which drivers will be able to connect their smartphones via Bluetooth wireless links and other means.


  • 全球油性汽车生产大户丰田汽车公司(Toyota),将8月份全球产量削减17%。所有日本汽车出口减少了30%。

    Toyota Motor Corp., which produces many of the world's most fuel-efficient cars, cut its global production in August by 17%, as exports of all Japanese cars to the U.S. fell by 30%.


  • 加速器故障问题导致的飞来横祸以及今年3月日本大地震使丰田饱受创伤。因此,这家汽车公司迫切需要美国汽车买主继续大量购买2012年重新设计的新款凯美瑞

    Badly battered by the unintended acceleration fiasco and last March's Japanese earthquake, Toyota desperately needs American car buyers to keep flocking to the Camry, newly redesigned for 2012.


  • 本周丰田汽车公司常务专务董事丰田章男坐在美国立法者面前接受盘问代表的不仅仅遭受围攻日本汽车丰田公司,他还是一国的公众人物,代表着这个陷入意料之外的安全危机的国家。

    When Akio Toyoda sits down for his grilling before U.S. lawmakers this week, he won'tjust be representing his company, embattled Japanese carmaker Toyota.


  • 日本丰田汽车公司总裁丰田章男,世界最大汽车市场中国消费者道歉

    The President of the Japanese car company Toyota, Akio Toyoda, has apologised to customers in China, the world's biggest auto market.


  • 日本丰田汽车公司北美销售汽车三分之一美国制造的。

    As for Toyota company of Japan, one third of the cars sold in North America is made in America.


  • 愿透露姓名丰田汽车公司官员一次汽车展销会上,“现在没有一家日本公司不想这个市场。”

    "There's no major Japanese company that doesn't want to get into this market now," says a Toyota official at the auto show, who asked to remain unnamed.


  • 丰田汽车公司三月份日本工厂的生产量去年同期降低63%,且产量将会继续下降。

    Toyota Motors has said that its Japanese production fell by 63% in March compared with the same month last year, as its production cuts continued.


  • 丰田汽车公司宣称六月份日本工厂的产量可能快于预期恢复正常水平

    Toyota Motors has said its production in Japan is likely to return back to normal levels faster-than-expected.


  • 美国三大汽车公司的惨淡业绩日本汽车公司的优良业绩成了鲜明对比丰田已经超过了福特

    But the weak U. S. carmaker performance contrasted with strong Japanese sales, resulting in Toyota selling more vehicles than Ford.


  • 目前为止所有召回决定日本丰田汽车公司客户质量工程部作出的。

    Up to now, any decisions on conducting recalls have been made by the Customer Quality Engineering Division at Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan.


  • 国外始创并且应用效果显著的日本丰田汽车公司

    It is used firstly in TOYATO Car company with telling effect.


  • 份报告日本发行量最大报纸,读卖,他说丰田公司正在考虑出售公司的汽油混合动力系统,通用汽车公司企图混合动力技术广泛地

    A report by Japan's largest newspaper, the Yomiuri, said that Toyota is looking to sell its gasoline-hybrid-system to GM in an attempt to make its hybrid technology more widespread.


  • 北京-星期一日本丰田汽车公司总裁丰田章男,向世界最大汽车市场中国消费者就关于丰田全球性的召回事件道歉

    BEIJING - Toyota Motor President Akio Toyoda on Monday apologized to Chinese consumers - who make up the world's biggest auto market - over the company's massive global recall.


  • 精益生产方式手工单件生产方式大量生产方式之后在日本丰田汽车公司诞生全新生产方式。

    Lean production, the totally new production system, is coming after the handcraft single piece production and massive production, and was born in Toyota Automobile.


  • 当初日本丰田汽车公司(Toyota)的公司日本电装公司(Denso)开发出黑白二维识别码只是为了跟踪汽车部件

    When Toyota subsidiary Denso originally developed QR codes in their black and white form, they were meant to serve a functional use as a means to track auto parts.


  • 日本丰田日本尼桑法国雷诺等各大汽车公司以及各国自动化仓库都是公司长期战略合作伙伴

    Toyota Japan, Nissan Japan , Renault French and many automatic 3D storehouse are long-term strategic partnership of us. In order to meet the market, Shanghai Lune Industry and Trade Co.


  • 日本丰田日本尼桑法国雷诺等各大汽车公司以及各国自动化仓库都是公司长期战略合作伙伴

    Toyota Japan, Nissan Japan , Renault French and many automatic 3D storehouse are long-term strategic partnership of us. In order to meet the market, Shanghai Lune Industry and Trade Co.


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