Japan's Sony Corp has released a mini-notebook small enough to fit in a purse or suit jacket.
The field then fell silent for more than ten years, until the Japanese company Sony optimized the idea for the first commercial lithium-ion battery in the early 1990s.
"The core of Sony's problem is in Japan, but Sir Howard is not," complained his critics.
“The core of Sony’s problem is in Japan, but Sir Howard is not, ” complained his critics.
Moreover it had taken decades for Japanese and Korean firms like Sony and Samsung to become household names in the West.
Yen appreciation reduces the value of repatriated profits for companies such as Toyota and Sony and makes their products more expensive abroad.
The Japanese electronics maker Sony has announced its first foray into the popular tablet PC market, unveiling two new devices.
Sony's Mr Stringer has had to wrestle with Japan's corporate culture in trying to turn the company round.
Sony sold more than 1 million PS2s in Japan on the first day they are available.
Sony's profit plummeted in the last three months of 2008. The Japanese electronics giant is on course to make a record annual loss.
The company didn't say whether these televisions, priced between Y290, 000 and Y750, 000 in Japan, are profitable, though it has been taking steps to cut overall manufacturing costs.
Sony’s Mr Stringer has had to wrestle with Japan’s corporate culture in trying to turn the company round.
Mr. Komiyama, a native of Japan, has spent much of his career with Sony abroad, including more than 20 years in the U.S..
According to a closely watched annual survey, the companies that were once synonymous with Japan Inc. - Toyota, Sony, Sharp and Canon - have lost their luster as potential employers.
索尼爱立信的第一任总裁是日本的井原胜美(Katsumi Ihara),他白手起家成立了这个合资公司,并为公司的整合奠定了基础。
Sony Ericsson's first President, Katsumi Ihara of Japan, built the joint venture from scratch and laid the groundwork for integration.
日本市场,索尼公司(SonyCorp .)下跌8.7%,松下电器(Panasonic Corp .)和夏普公司(Sharp Corp .)分别下跌7.4%和8.4%。
In Japanese share trading, Sony Corp. fell 8.7%, Panasonic Corp. 7.4% and Sharp Corp. 8.4%.
NEC's and Sony's sales have been falling since 2006 in Japan.
Sony manufactured the AIBO until 2006, and its name was short for Artificial Intelligence Robot, though the word "aibo" also means, "pal" in Japanese.
Half a century ago, Japan was a poor country: today Sony and Toyota are among thebest-known and mightiest companies on the planet.
The Japanese electronics giant Sony has reported fresh hacking attacks on a number of its websites.
Sony is the latest Japanese manufacturer to report substantially lower earnings after the magnitude 9 earthquake in March, which devastated much of Japan's northeastern coast.
IT IS too much to expect one man single-handedly to rescue Sony, the Japanese firm which formerly made world-beating electronic products but is now almost as well-known for making losses.
But he agrees that Sony will continue giving non-Japanese executives more responsibility.
But he agrees that Sony will continue giving non-Japanese executives more responsibility.