• 研究员在几十年前发现这些大脑活动微波导致明显地不同频率代表不同的生理感情状态

    Researchers discovered decades ago that these brain activity waves occur distinctly different frequencies for different physical and emotional states.


  • 某种程度上逻辑二个对象之后分享明显地不同作为客户运作上下文并且反应服务器端编辑要求

    The logic behind the two objects is Shared to some extent, but it clearly differs as the working context of the client and server-side editions of Response requires.


  • 覆盖黄土丘陵区由于恶劣自然环境松散组成物质土壤水蚀过程明显地不同典型的黄土丘陵区。

    In loess hilly gully region covered by sheet sand, soil water erosion process is different from typical loess hilly gully region because of worse natural environment and loose land surface material.


  • 通过实验发现高阻衬底浅紫外敏感硅光伏二极管正向偏置c -V特性I - V特性与一般PN结二极管的正向特性明显地不同

    It's shown that the C-V and I-V characteristics of silicon photovoltaic diode by forward bias are obviously different from forward characteristic of common PN junction diode by experiment.


  • 已经这些分为早上白天和夜间,虽然有些可以明显放在不同标题里

    Note: I have divided these into morning, day and night although some could obviously be under different headings.


  • 批量处理特性能够一个不同程序中将这些文件整齐明显地分离开来,fetch()process()可能交互得密切

    The batch nature of the process lets me separate these cleanly, but obviously in a different program, fetch() and process() might interact more closely.


  • 幅图像中你可以明显看到是因为浮油和周围海水对于阳光反射有着很大的不同

    The oil slick is particularly visible in this image because of the way the sun reflects off the oil and the surrounding water.


  • 本语录,很明显只是内容不同戏剧性的脉络更是不同

    These two dialogues, it should be evident, I mean, differ not only in content but in their dramatic context.


  • 想想那些处以死刑罪行,要求金钱赔偿的罪行,觉得这些就明显地显示不同点。

    And you consider the crimes that are punished by capital punishment, and the crimes that are punished by monetary compensation, and he feels this is quite revealing.


  • 自转明显倾斜太阳月球不同,它几乎笔直绕太阳旋转。

    Unlike Earth, which rotates on a significant tilt to the Sun, the Moon is barely tilted at all.


  • 双胞胎间的得分明显地比异卵双胞胎的接近.研究人员对比实验视觉和一般物体的辨认记忆能力上的不同.

    And scores weresignificantly more matched betweenidentical as opposed to fraternaltwins. The researchers controlled fordifferences in vision, generalobject recognition and memory.


  • 这个软件明显地联系不同操作系统他们的一起

    This software transparently connects different operating systems and their applications together.


  • 一些套路不同风格演变行动名字特征移动方式并且技术理论,一些有明显显示图片诗词歌赋

    Some works wrote its genres, evolution, action names, characteristic, moving ways and technical theories, some had pictures and verses to show the action clearly.


  • 基本原理使用不同模式操作时,明显就能分辨出当然所处的模式,尤其是当页面出现“触发链接”还明显提示时。

    Rationale: When working with or in different modes it is much easier to recognize the present mode, when it is indicated with more than "toggle-links" somewhere on the page.


  • 量子力学波动性使得原子穿越一个激光束明显展现出与经典粒子(原子)不同结果。

    Because of quantum wave nature, cold atoms tunneling through a laser beam can obviously have a completely different feature from that of a classical particle (hot atom).


  • 有时你登陆主要航空公司大型飞机时,这里明显地不同额外待遇,比如可以变为舒适平躺的宽大的、舒适的座椅

    Sometimes when flying aboard large aircraft on major airlines, there are noticeably different perks of wide, plush seats that transform into comfortable lie-flat beds.


  • 由于英汉民族环境生活习俗等方面差异不少习语明显呈现出两不同的民族形式

    Because of the difference in environment, customs and habits between the Chinese and the English, there are quite a lot of idioms which appear clearly in two different national styles.


  • 结果表明引入的不同助色基团明显地影响试剂灵敏度络合能力

    The results show that the different substituted groups influence the sensitivity and chelating ability of these reagents.


  • 结果表明,只要转化率低于95%,不会明显地对周围人体健康造成慢性危害。 转化率低于95%,将一定范围对人体健康产生不同程度的影响;

    Results showed that converting rate of no less than 95% will not obviously impair people's health, while converting rate less than 95% has some impact.


  • 明显地种在不同社会可能常见或也可能罕见的家长教育模式。

    Obviously, it's a parenting style which may or may not be more or less common in different communities.


  • 发现不同热处理工艺可以改变合金材料结构组成从而明显地影响合金磁性能。

    It concludes that annealing processes may change the structure and phase formation of the alloy, and consequently effects the magnetic properties of the alloy.


  • 不同阻燃加入可明显地改变DSC图谱的峰改变了木材燃烧性能

    The position and shape of DSC curws were essentially changed, by treating with fire retardants, that is, the combustion properties of wood were changed.


  • 明显地不同对待不同的态度。出现这种状况一定原因首先第二最后此类结果是

    Obviously, different people have got different attitudes towardsThere are sone possible reasons for the present situation. FirstSecondFinally… As a result, …


  • 研究结果表明,结构件之间连接部位混合使用不同剪切刚度的紧固件,比较明显降低结构连接部位疲劳寿命

    The results indicate that the mixed use of different-shear stiffness fasteners will lead to obviously reduced structure fatigue life in attached area.


  • 维吉尼亚州口音明显卡罗来那州缓慢、拖尾音之腔调不同

    Virginia accent differs distinctly from the slow drawl of South Carolina.


  • 不同氧化原料明显地影响到钨粉的粒度

    The raw materials of various tungsten oxides strongly affect the particle size of tungsten powder.


  • 不同季节高原高山冰雪溶融可以明显地影响径流浅层下水同位素组成过量参数变化。

    The ice and snow melt of different seasons in high mountains can obviously affect the variation in isotope composition and deuterium excess parameters of surface flow and shallow groundwater.


  • 不同季节高原高山冰雪溶融可以明显地影响径流浅层下水同位素组成过量参数变化。

    The ice and snow melt of different seasons in high mountains can obviously affect the variation in isotope composition and deuterium excess parameters of surface flow and shallow groundwater.


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