They didn't really articulate any position regarding the actual business plan.
Let enable everybody to express own intention explicitly, but could also look like teacher to inquire.
You will experience a need to express yourself clearly and energetically to make sure your needs are met this year.
I thought I made it perfectly clear two weeks ago that all office paper must go in one of the blue recycling boxes.
I would like to pay now if it is not too much trouble. (in present time; doubt of possibility is explicit).
The use of mathematics and statistics to formulate and test economic theory is referred to as econometrics.
Anyway, once this relationship has been identified, it can be made explicit in a class diagram that shows the associations among the two classes of goals.
Alice Walker published the novel Color Purple in the epistolary style in 1982, in which she expresses her strong idea of female's seeking for their independence and liberty.
The third area for learning in human relations is assertiveness: expressing our needs, feelings and ideas clearly, but without stifling others or putting them down.
Learning vocabulary forms an important part of learning English, for without words we can hardly convey our meaning and intentions clearly and definitely.
I recommend also explicitly expressing such rules from concept bases, but you get a sense from this example how expressive it can be to just attach concepts to schemata.
尽管可以使用RDF明确地表达语义,但即使每个人都这样做,如果不知道如何将各个站点的 RDF联系起来,那么也没有什么用处。
While unambiguously expressed semantics with RDF are good, even if everyone did that, it is of little use if you have no idea how the RDF from different sites is related.
尽管可以使用RDF明确地表达语义,但即使每个人都这样做,如果不知道如何将各个站点的 RDF联系起来,那么也没有什么用处。
While unambiguously expressed semantics with RDF are good, even if everyone did that, it is of little use if you have no idea how the RDF from different sites is related.