• 一个明确工作目标防止因为没有明确理想工作目标,为寻找工作行政简历信封,准备其他职业性文件疯狂活动中。

    Have a clear job target: Resist jumping into a frenzy of writing activities for executive resumes, cover letters, and other career documents without being crystal clear about your ideal job target.


  • 必须学术工作制订非常严格计划自己规定明确目标

    I have to plan my academic work very rigidly and set myself clear objectives.


  • 奥巴马政府一个明确目标恢复大量就业岗位以及许多这些工作岗位所需众多技能

    A stated goal of the Obama administration is to restore a big chunk of this employment, along with the multitude of skills that many of the jobs required.


  • 如此强调目的性研究可以理解的:现在针对癌症展开大量工作就是明确的目标

    This accent on targeted research is understandable. Plenty of the work now done on cancer will be of the targeted sort.


  • 理性系统视角出发组织行为认为是明确目标协同工作代理人开展的行动

    From the perspective of the rational systems view, the behavior of organizations is considered as actions performed by purposeful and coordinated agents.


  • 人们希望明确自己工作团队整体目标之间存在联系因为他们感觉受到团队的重视,感觉到自我价值的存在

    They want to see the link between their work and the team's overall purpose because that's how they will feel both valued and valuable.


  • 每个迭代拥有明确目标并且生成最终系统部分工作实现

    Each iteration has a well-defined set of objectives, and produces a partial working implementation of the final system.


  • 家庭作业并不需要一个正式战略计划明确为什么如何,把最终目标相悖事情日常工作中剔除掉。

    Take Home Lesson: it doesn't need to be a formal strategic plan - but do know why you're doing what you do and be willing to filter things that don't fit with that goal from your daily activities.


  • 佩里说:“明确的社会目标确实能够激励工作。”

    "Having a social purpose really motivates workers," said Cappelli.


  • 敏捷规划首要目标最大程度地明确已知工作并且完全公开它们

    The main goal of agile planning is having as much of the "known" work as possible on the table and visible to all.


  • 年中检讨目的在于明确自己目前的工作进度、自己正努力的方向还有自己的一切是否自己既定目标相符。

    The point with this exercise is to get a clear picture of what you've done, what direction you're headed and if what you are actually doing is in line with the goals you set out to accomplish.


  • 佩里说:“明确的社会目标确实能够激励工作。”

    "Having asocial purpose really motivates workers," said Cappelli.


  • 超市清洁剂变得更外向如果你没有一个明确目标工作会乏善可陈。

    Selling detergent in a supermarket can make you more extroverted, " said Chen, "If you lose sight of your aim, it`s just a boring task."


  • 自觉主动积极解决设计问题架构日常工作目标经常并不明确

    Self-starter; motivated to solve design problems: An architect's day-to-day goals are often unclear.


  • 尽管770的目标还不甚明确但是Nokia对此已经进行大量研究工作他们开发了一整套新的交叉编译架构770上得到了广泛的应用

    Despite any uncertainty as to the 770's intent, Nokia has been doing some significant research; they developed an entire, new cross-compilation architecture that is most visibly used with the 770.


  • 这么多人工作变得富裕没有明确目标心态以外他们有钱

    So many people work at becoming wealthy with no clear objective in mind other than they want to be wealthy.


  • 诚实努力工作需要明确目标引导才能成功

    Honesty and hard work, need clear goals lead to success.


  • 明确目标,促进两个转变,做到三个确保,抓好四项建设,是做好高职毕业生就业工作有效途径

    The effective way to doing a good job of employment of HVE Graduates lies in one aim, two conversions, three ensurements and four constructions.


  • 好的执行工作目标明确坚持完美工作态度,上、下级及时沟通,要打造个执行力企业文化还要建构一个执行团队

    Good execution targeted to work, adhere to the perfect attitude, on the lower level to timely communication, execution to build a corporate culture, but also to build a team of executive power.


  • 份合适计划能让你一整天都有明确目标工作效率更高,开心不必浪费宝贵的时间。

    Having a tight schedule allows me to live out my day with definitive purpose, while getting more done, having more fun, and not wasting precious moments of my life.


  • 绩效制定有效分解企业生产目标明确部门员工工作任务

    Formulating performance: break down the production target of enterprise effectively and have a clear division between department and employee's task.


  • 创建思想主题网站必须明确目标,高度重视加强网站工作队伍建设,精心设计网站内容栏目

    In order to do this work well, we must determine its objective, improve staff members′ quality and design the content and column of the website elaborately.


  • 自己市场营销工作确立目标同时需要一个明确时间规划

    For their own marketing work to establish a target, at the same time, also need to have a clear temporal planning.


  • 方法:新的国家药品抽验方案设计思路新方法,明确工作目标

    Methods: We have design the new National Drug evaluation sampling plan, and definite working objectives.


  • 他们工作应当思想上一个明确目标

    It's advisable that they work with a clearly defined goal in mind.


  • 虽然几代地学工作理想和不懈的追求,期望能给出一次明确的预报,但现在我们这个目标远。

    Although generations of geologists have been striving for providing definitive forecast, we are still far away from the goal.


  • 高校明确社团工作思路、鲜明的社团工作目标有效的社团工作措施来切实加强社团的管理

    Colleges and universities must strengthen their control on student organizations with clear trains of thought, obvious objectives and effective measures.


  • 结果:岗位明确工作要求,主动开展员工自我管理,对照绩效考核目标完成本岗位工作

    Position description and reasonable performance evaluation criteria were established through analyzing the characteristics, task and work flow of every position.


  • 良好规划不仅可以帮助更加明确自己工作目标能最大限度地帮助你减少工作负担压力

    If you want to be successful in your career, you have to plan your work and work your plan! Planning helps crystallize your work objectives and avoids unnecessary pressures.


  • 大学学习四年的工作经验成熟稳重目标明确处理事情高效

    Four years of college and four years work experience, let me clear aim, mature, high efficiency to deal with things.


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