But recently, both GM and Toyota have questioned whether fuel cell cars can be offered at a price most people can afford.
去年6月1日通用汽车援引11号法案申请破产保护时,其债务是资产的两倍。 通用是世界上最大的汽车公司,直到2008年丰田超过它。
ON JUNE 1st last year, General Motors, the world’s largest car company until 2008 (when Toyota overtook it), filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with liabilities that were twice its assets.
Unfortunately, the job leads are just not there, at least not in this one industry city that lives and dies by Toyota Motor Corporation.
本田汽车(HondaMotorCo.)总裁伊东孝绅(Takanobu Ito)说,公司可能面临着令人畏惧的任务。 本田汽车是日本销量第二大汽车公司,仅次于丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor Corp.)。
Honda Motor Co. President Takanobu Ito said the auto maker, second in sales in Japan to industry giant Toyota Motor Corp., faces a potentially daunting task.
作为汽车行业巨头的丰田汽车公司尚未计划将Fun - Vii概念车投入生产。但他们解释说这款汽车是未来汽车技术的一个例子。
The car giant has no plans to put Fun-Vii into production just yet, but explained that it's an example of the kinds of technologies that it could incorporate into designs in the future.
The comment was directed at Detroit, but the latest obituary comes from Toyota.
The JIT production system was developed by the Toyota Motor Company about 50 years ago.
准时制消费是大约50年前由丰田汽车公司开发出来。 。
Thee JIT production system was developed by the Toyota Motor Company about 50 years ago.
Hybrids are one step in that direction. For example, the Toyota Prius runs on gasoline with help from an electric motor.
Likewise, for more than a decade, Toyota, arguably the world's most advanced manufacturer, has adapted its workstations to older workers.
As for Toyota company of Japan, one third of the cars sold in North America is made in America.
Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational company that deals in cars, truck, and robots production.
The organizational structure of Toyota Motor Corporation is a Hybrid Structure or Matrix Structure.
It is used firstly in TOYATO Car company with telling effect.
Toyota may have had its problems of late, but Kaizen is how it grew from an economy car company to the world's largest automobile maker.
On JUNE 1st last year, General Motors, the world's largest car company until 2008 (when Toyota overtook it), filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with liabilities that were twice its assets.
Lean production, the totally new production system, is coming after the handcraft single piece production and massive production, and was born in Toyota Automobile.
Toyota is a transnational organization with operations all around the world.
Toyota Motor Corp. 's five-decade march to the top of the global auto industry was driven by success in the u.
Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational company that deals in cars, truck, and robots production. It created in 1993 and became the first automobile company in Japan.
Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational company that deals in cars, truck, and robots production. It created in 1993 and became the first automobile company in Japan.