Much like application objects, the resource is introspected for the list of properties to show in the rule editor.
The new derived attribute, pkgDir, is created and displayed in the "Transformation input schema and output actions" editor pane (Figure 17).
Since the business process model editor is active, but with nothing selected, the Properties view shows the properties of the process being edited.
XML editors can help you clearly interpret your XML document with color highlights for elements, attributes, or plain text and indented content.
An empty type tree will open up in the editor and at the bottom of the page, you will see the Extender properties view, which shows the properties of a particular data type.
The property editor for the CommandText property acts accordingly, showing a list of available tables, a SQL dialog, or a list of available Stored Procedures.
每个中介基元的属性编辑器还显示了可提升属性的列表,您可以从中选择对WebSphereESB 管理员可见的属性。
The Properties Editor for each mediation primitive also displays a list of promotable properties that you can select to be visible to the WebSphere ESB administrator.
To see a property, first rebuild the project and then highlight the test in the test List Editor or the test View window.
When this check box is selected, the CSS editor will display context-sensitive, pop-up lists of available properties and property values to help you add CSS attributes to styles.
When this check box is selected, pop-up lists of valid elements, properties, attributes, or methods are displayed as you edit markup in the Source view editor.
A UI type editor can provide a visual representation of a property value in a property grid control, such as a design-time property browser.
A UI type editor can provide a visual representation of a property value in a property grid control, such as a design-time property browser.