The cloudless sky is clearly a moneymaker for the town, which plans to set up even more observatories.
Cloud cover: UV radiation levels are highest under cloudless skies but even with cloud cover, they can be high.
Skies over the Middle East were clear, providing a cloud-free view of Arabian Peninsula and the mountains of Iran and Pakistan.
The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memory — hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky;
One day, Ma Hu and his five friends went to the Kun Shan Mountain for traveling. The sky was clear and they started to climb.
With nary a cloud in the sky, living in one of the world's sunniest spots has its perks, including happy, laidback locals and plenty of time for the great outdoors.
The clouds will start disappearing, or, even if they come, there will be great gaps of cloudless sky when there will be no thought.
The clouds will start disappearing, or, even if they come, there will be great gaps of cloudless sky when there will be no thought.