Presumably to minimize the risk of revealing his location through contact with the outside world.
Objective To investigate the risk factors and prevention of sharp injuries and professional exposure among staffs in hospital.
Imageless systems, which use a virtual model supplemented by registration data, have overcome concerns about exposure to radiation.
Telecommunication can make information from around the world available to use quickly and easily, but some people worry that this may be a risk to our privacy.
He undertook increasingly dangerous assignments until his exposure as a spy.
Shvering is usually the first sign of dangerous cold exposure.
They expose themselves to inconceivable dangers under conditions of enormous hardship and fight because they want to keep the country safe.
HTC has issued a security fix for a Bluetooth vulnerability that exposed to risk all the information on a user's handset.
The dangers are much greater from over-exposure to the sun's radiation.
In areas where there is no avian influenza outbreak in poultry, there is no risk that consumers will be exposed to the virus via the handling or consumption of poultry or poultry products.
Please do not expose yourself to a risky or potentially dangerous situation.
At very low tides they scramble dangerously round the exposed, rusting bones.
Cold exposure can make outdoor activity uncomfortable or even dangerous for anyone unprepared for extreme weather.
Bacteria exposed to the drugs develop resistance, Mitchell said, so “we have the risk of creating these bacterial monsters.”
Bacteria exposed to the drugs develop resistance, Mitchell said, so "we have the risk of creating these bacterial monsters."
Without that knowledge, the guide added, “people will be more likely to follow the natural instinct to run from danger, potentially exposing themselves to fatal doses of radiation.”
So in the NRC world these are the multiple barriers to public exposure and public risk.
It is only in recessions that this enthusiasm for debt reveals its dangers.
It is a moot point but there is an argument in health and safety law that failing to cancel the match carries an exposure to risk and is a breach of the law.
Once the tubes are in place, the brain is not exposed to the outside environment, thus preventing infection.
The two most dangerous conditions that can result from cold weather exposure include frostbite and hypothermia.
Women who are at higher risk of breast cancer because of family history or other factors should talk to their doctor about when to start screening and what other tests they may need.
The risk of unprotected exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases is far higher: for example, more than 90 percent of unvaccinated people exposed to measles will become infected.
The non-mathematical appear to have their revenge, as the perils of over-reliance on complex symbolic notation and arcane formulae are relentlessly exposed.
A dangerous tourist spot, the mountain has claimed many adventurers' lives-from falls, lack of oxygen, exposure, and other deadly pitfalls.
One of the many unknowns at Fukushima is the fate of plant personnel and emergency workers, who may have been exposed to a higher radiation risk.
Chronic exposure to particles contributes to the risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as of lung cancer.
Men and women should be tested for colon cancer beginning at age 50, or earlier if they have a family history of the disease or certain other risk factors.
Some people object that verifiable identities could expose posters to the risk of being traced and attacked. This is nonsense.
Some people object that verifiable identities could expose posters to the risk of being traced and attacked. This is nonsense.