The Chosen,这个秀本打算让这对明星夫妻周游全世界去发现拉丁音乐、舞蹈和其他艺术领域中的最佳表演者,以此打造一个现场音乐盛宴。
The show was to feature the superstar couple as they traveled the world to find the best performers in Latin music, dance and other arts with the goal of creating a live extravaganza.
The Chosen,这个秀本打算让这对明星夫妻周游全世界去发现拉丁音乐、舞蹈和其他艺术领域中的最佳表演者,以此打造一个现场音乐盛宴。
The show was to feature the superstar couple as they traveled the world to find the best performers in Latin music, dance and other arts with the goal of creating a live extravaganza.