• 最后英雄就是继承了父母特工天份的两个小鬼卡门朱尼

    Finally, the hero is inherited both parents' talent agents kid Carmen and Zhu Nepalese.


  • 葬礼进行曲不是英雄交响曲最后乐章而是第二乐章,这并非偶然

    It is not by chance that the Funeral March is not the last movement of the Eroica Symphony, but the second.


  • 最后调查对象被要求说出自己心目中的“英雄”时,一半提到父母中的一人双亲。

    Finally, when asked to name their heroes, nearly half of respondents mentioned one or both of their parents.


  • 盲目地(当然背后潜藏命运之)挽救城市英雄最后成功了。

    He is chosen by blind chance (beneath which lurks the hand of destiny, of course), to be the hero to save his city, and succeeds.


  • 第三句说激烈比赛快要结束时,每个人都精疲力竭,而咬紧牙关坚持到底一定英雄。 这一句是对图画的呼应--图上的运动员发出会心的微笑,他一定是在赛场上拼尽全力坚持最后的人,可能正是他最后五分钟的进球为整个球队赢得了胜利。

    Toward the end of a fierce game, when everyone is nearly exhausted, who can clench ones teeth and hold on to the end is certainly a hero.


  • 表演英雄的、却让人不安最后一幕这个年轻演员向了幽冥

    His performance is a heroic, unsettling final act: this young actor looked into the abyss.


  • 菲尔成功地逃往了莫斯科生命中最后那些苏联作为一个英雄生活着的。

    Philby managed to escape to Moscow, where he lived out his remaining years as a hero of the Soviet Union.


  • 他们返回地球40周年纪念日前一天周日晚上,位航天英雄进行可能最后公开重聚

    On Sunday, the eve of the 40th anniversary of their return to Earth, the three will be reunited in public for what is likely to be the last time.


  • 无论可白女士还是麦可白本人都是由于罪行,而作者巧妙转变之处在于中的英雄是由于自己所怀疑事实而疯,最后未必会承认自己所犯下的罪行。

    Whereas Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are driven mad by their crime, the hero of this book is only driven mad by the fact that he hesitated and might not have committed his crime.


  • 最后约翰逊名字读到学生详细地描述约翰逊的英雄事迹。格伦·约翰逊站在那里

    Johnson's name was read last and the student delivered a detailed description of Johnson's heroics: Glenn Johnson was standing there.


  • 这本书被誉为最后杰作简洁明快充满智慧,就书中年轻英雄生活一样。

    Hailed as her final masterpiece, the novel is as brief, luminous and intellectually charged as the life of its young hero.


  • 星期二最后场比赛,有一道问题分类美国线索是:“他有最大飞机场并以二战的一个英雄命名:在那发生了二战第二的战役。”

    On Tuesday evening during Final Jeopardy, the category was U. S. Cities and the clue was: “Its largest airport is named for a World War II hero; its second largest for a World War II battle.


  • 讽刺我们战士或许最后自称英雄而且显然,他们相当乐意这样的称呼。

    The irony is that our soldiers are the last people who are likely to call themselves heroes and are apparently very uncomfortable with this kind of talk.


  • 最后一个场上跌成大字型球员正是德州州长里克·佩里在开始竞选两个不到的时间内成功英雄变成了狗熊

    The latest figure spread-eagled haplessly on the field is that of Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, who has managed to go from hero to zero after less than two months in the race.


  • 虽说一季最后迟迟归来,现如今撒手不管nbc的《英雄》了。

    After coming back to the show late last season, it has now been reported that he is leaving again the NBC series Heroes.


  • 此举视为摆脱生活桎梏英雄行为,撤除上帝最后障碍

    It was seen as a heroic release from the constraints of life, the removal of the last barriers between him and the God.


  • 英雄人物重要目标一个不可能最后期限

    Give your character an importantgoal with an impossible deadline.


  • 还记得最后语句神秘戒律一样每种写法中加以重复英雄就这样战斗,可敬心胸无畏无惧,手中的钢凌厉无比,只求杀死对手或者沙场捐躯

    I remember the final words, repeated at the end of each version like a secret command: "Thus the heroes fought, with tranquil heart and bloody sword. They were resigned to killing and to dying."


  • 希罗多德是位历史学家,穷尽毕生精力研究历史上真实马拉松战役最后得出了惊人的发现:英雄斐迪庇第斯的著名事迹不是发生在马拉松战役之后而是马拉松战役之前

    According to Herodotus, a historian writing within a lifetime of the actual battle this Phidippides guy did his running before the fight, not after it.


  • 最后希腊著名英雄奥德修斯想出了木马计木头做了一匹巨马放在特洛伊城外。

    At last, the famous Greek hero Odysseus came up with the "Trojan horse" trick, made a huge wooden horse, and put it out of Troy.


  • 真正英雄那种跌倒失败存在缺陷,凭借理想信念承诺执着坚持最后胜出汉子。

    Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they've stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments.


  • 男人英雄战场上,面对最后上帝命运

    Men and heroes only should be confronted in the battlefields but at the end, that's God's fate.


  • 最后一步,设计好位魔域传奇的角色请设身处地为英雄考虑下面几个问题

    So, as a final exercise, whenever you create a Ravenloft player character, place yourself in your hero's mind and consider the following questions.


  • 电影最后彩蛋暗示这位体型最小漫威超级英雄很快在下一部《复仇者联盟》中加入其他老大哥

    At the end of the film, it's suggested that Marvel's tiniest superhero will soon join his big brothers in the next Avengers sequel.


  • 本周一美国2016年纳税申报最后一天,这可急坏了美国人喜爱几位漫画英雄

    This Monday was the last day to file your taxes in 2016, and some of America's favorite fictional comic book heroes are dreading the task.


  • 情节来自舞蹈最后部分英雄打败恶魔恶魔势力中拯救国家

    This episode is taken from the end of the dance when the hero defeats the demon and rescue his kingdom from its evil influence.


  • 第二最后一个多集故事结尾,其中,贝恩是绝地英雄主要对手

    The season finale leads into a multi-part arc featuring Bane as the primary foe for the Jedi heroes.


  • 第二最后一个多集故事结尾,其中,贝恩是绝地英雄主要对手

    The season finale leads into a multi-part arc featuring Bane as the primary foe for the Jedi heroes.


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