Finally, maximum a posterior (MAP) criterion is used to select the optimal segmentation result from all candidate segmentation results.
Then the segmentation problem is formulated as Maximum a Posterior Probability (MAP) estimation rule.
Bayesian maximum a posterior DOA estimator based on importance sampling (ISBM) is proposed.
The experimental results show that the MAP algorithm can be able to efficiently reconstruct a high quality image.
Bayesian maximum a posterior DOA estimator based on Gibbs sampling (GSBM) is further investigated.
We use Bayesian maximum a posteriori estimation training a speaker model from background model, to solve the problem of model miss matching in speaker verification system.
Firstly, maximum a posteriori framework is created according to conditional random field model and Markov random field model.
Either the maximum likelihood estimate or the maximum a posteriori estimate may be used in place of the exact value in the above equations.
The available methods for watermarking detection include related detection, maximum plausible detection and maximum posterior probability detection, etc.
The method is to derive the maximum a posteriori estimate of the regions and the boundaries by using Bayesian inference and neighborhood constraints based on Markov random fields(MRFs) models.
目的节点采用迭代最大后验概率译码,利用多个时刻收到的码字恢复源 节点发送信息。
Using iterative and maximum a posteriori decoding method, the information can be obtained at the destination node by decoding the codes received in different time.
To solve the effect of channel changes on the performance of speaker identification system, apply the method of maximum a posteriori to specific channel compensation.
以SD为初始模型的最大后验概率方法在150个训练样本时识别效果最好,可以达到90.4% 。
SD as the initial model to the maximum a posteriori probability method in 150 training samples to identify the best, can reach 90.4 .
方法:根据马尔科夫随机场图像模型,利用最大后验概率准则(MA P),提出一种迭代松弛分割算法。
Methods: Based on Markov random fields model of noise, a iteration algorithm was presented by using maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion.
Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, matching pursuit and orthogonal matching pursuit, maximum Likelihood (ML) criteria and maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion.
While the MAP algorithm offers better performance than the ML algorithm, the computation is complex and not suitable for hardware implementation.
The motion vectors of the damaged image macroblocks can be recovered adaptively by Maximum A Posteriori(MAP), and the weight is selected adaptively based o.
The codec state is also estimated by computing the maximum posterior transition probabilities, with a simplified computing method described.
The codec states were estimated by computing the maximum posterior transition probabilities with a simplified computing method.
To the problem that the standard SVM does not provide probabilities output, the probabilistic outputs for support vector machines is modeled based on the maximum entropy estimation.
Finally, the particle distribution approaches to the station posterior distribution and the maximum filtering performance is achieved.
Finally, the particle distribution approaches to the station posterior distribution and the maximum filtering performance is achieved.