• 可以认为,用95%最大荷载卸载代替最大荷载点卸载不妥的。

    So it is unsuitable to unload at about 95% of the peak load.


  • 对于特定试样裂口几何形状最大荷载裂纹长度有关材料无关。

    For a given specimen and notch configuration, maximum load is always dependent on the crack length and independent of the material.


  • 大巴车隶属唐山交通运输集团最大荷载53车祸发生包括司机在内车内共有55人

    The coach, belonging to the Tangshan Traffic and Transportation Group, has a maximum loading capacity of 53 people while 55, including the driver, were aboard when the accident happened.


  • 结论表明,既有构件所经历最大荷载最大荷载出现相对时序均会影响既有构件的抗震性能。

    The study indicates that the maximum displacement in the load histories is an important influence factor to the seismic behavior of existing reinforced concrete members.


  • 由于碳纤维屈服现象,故达到最大荷载碳纤维布应力确定加固后受剪承载力的关键参数

    With no yielding up to its fracture strength of CFRP, the stress of CFRP at the maximum shear loading is found to be the key parameters in determining shear strength of the columns.


  • 荷载基准期,即可估计结构继续使用期间最大荷载概率分布进而服役结构的可靠性作出评价

    With the load datum time, maximum loads probability distribution can be estimated during the structure in service, thereby we can assess reliability of structure in service.


  • 荷载基准期,即可估计结构继续使用期间最大荷载概率分布进而服役结构可靠性作出评价

    With the load datum time, maximum load's probability distribution can be estimated during the structure in service, thereby we can assess reliability of structure in service.


  • 如果预应力达到EN 10138中的最大荷载延伸规定值,则可以假定延伸时有足够塑性

    Adequate ductility in elongation may be assumed if the prestressing tendons obtain the specified value of the elongation at maximum load given in en 10138.


  • 结果生物力学试验数据表明接骨灵颗粒对兔桡骨骨折拉伸极限荷载、弯曲最大荷载冲击值均显著高于对照组

    Result:the biomechanical test indicates that Jieguling granules' maximum loading of elongationmaximum loading of bend and data of impact supass control group.


  • 试验结果与根据结构相似理论得出的结果相比较表明模型受力性能较稳定,承受最大荷载与理论计算结果较吻合

    The maximum load that the models can bear in the test meets the design load according to the structural similar theory.


  • 对于均布轴向荷载与集中荷载共同作用下压杆,考虑初始几何位移影响,根据边缘纤维屈服准则得到构件的理论最大荷载

    Considering the initial geometric deflection, the theoretical ultimate load is obtained based on the yielding criterion of the cross-sectional edge stresses.


  • 研究不同土质重复加载工程性状,分别个双模型盘桩在粉质黏土进行5次重复加载卸载试验,所加最大荷载小于该模型桩极限承载力。

    The model pile with two plates is loaded and unloaded for 5 times in silt and silty clay to study the engineering behavior of pile with plates and branches under repeated loading in different soils.


  • 对于径比小于25嵌岩桩,阻力随桩顶荷载增加而增大,应力水平下平缓增长,达到最大荷载时达到试验最大值,其嵌岩部分侧阻力从上至下依次发挥

    When pile length and the ratio about pile length to pile diameter is less than 25, side resistance is aggrandized by increasing of the load, and gently added at high stress level.


  • 随着最大试验荷载增加更新粘结强度均值逐渐增大更新的变异系数逐渐减小

    With the increase of test loads, the updated mean bond stress increases, but the updated coefficient of variation decreases.


  • 最后,根据大坝可能出现不利荷载组合条件,计算大坝可能出现最大最小位移,以利大坝安全监测

    Uader unfavourable combination of loads, the maximum and minimum displacements of the dam are calculated for the sake of safety monitoring.


  • 根据提出可靠度理论计算沥青路面最大设计荷载方法。

    Based on axle load spectrum, a method to calculate the maximum design load of asphalt pavements was first studied according to reliability theory.


  • 研究碾压混凝土重力拱坝不同荷载组合工况应力分布状态和分布特征以及最大应力出现位置应力控制标准

    It researches the stress condition, stress distribution, location of maximum stress and stress control criteria of RCC gravity-arch dam under different load combinations.


  • 平衡方程出发应用奇异函数计算其在最大弯矩极限条件极限荷载

    Based on the equilibrium equation of annular plates, the limit loads of annular plates under ultimate condition of the maximal moment were calculated by singular function.


  • 结构支撑桥梁土地交接地方旨在最大限度地减少转移中世纪结构建筑荷载

    The V shaped structural supports, seen where the bridge meets land, are designed to minimize the transfer of loads to the medieval architecture.


  • 荷载作用下地下硐室群围岩出现较大应力集中最大应力小于岩体强度,地下硐室群围岩不会出现拉裂破坏。

    Stress concentration occurs in surrounding rocks, while the maximum tension stress is less than the tensile strength of rock mass, so tensile crack does not take place.


  • 分析结果表明将普通纵的5%改配为碳纤维筋,强地震荷载作用下桥墩残余位移以及最大曲率响应均小于普通钢筋混凝土桥墩。

    The results showed that if 5% steel bars are substituted by carbon fiber bars, the residual deformation and maximum curvature decrease compared with the reinforced concrete pier.


  • 根据试验结果本文提出了抗裂度极限扭矩以及使用荷载作用下最大允许扭矩的计算公式。

    Based on the test results the paper presents formulas for determining cracking torque, ultimate torque and the maximum admissible torque under service loads.


  • 对于移动集中荷载作用连续,应用这些公式求得不利载荷位置最大绝对弯矩

    According to these equations, both the most unfavorable loading location and the maximum absolute bending moment of continuous beam loaded under a group of movable loads can be found.


  • 结果表明荷载行进速度刚性路面动态挠度最大很大影响加速度主要影响挠度最大值出现的位置

    The study has revealed that the speed of loading has enormous implications to the maximum dynamic deflection of rigid pavement and acceleration mainly effects the position of the maximum deflection.


  • 快速荷载试验常规载荷试验最大不同:常规载荷试验一级载荷作用沉降达到了相对稳定状态快速载荷试验下沉降则处于种非稳定状态。

    The most important difference between the slow test and fast load test is, in the former, the settlement under each load reaches to a state of steady, while it is unsteady in the latter test.


  • 计算结果表明该桥设计荷载最大挠度应力小于规范规定值,结构处于安全的范围内。

    The result show that: under the design load the maximum deflection and stress is less than code values, the bridge is safety.


  • 地震荷载作用下坝顶最大动位移增大

    And under earthquake load, the maximum displacement of dam top is larger.


  • 地震荷载作用下坝顶最大动位移增大

    And under earthquake load, the maximum displacement of dam top is larger.


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