When the memory cache region becomes full, LRU removes the least recently used cached data first.
这影响最近最少使用守护进程(least recently used daemon LRUD)扫描可释放页面的方式。
This affects how the least recently used daemon (LRUDs) scan for pages to free.
首先,缓存会实现最近最少使用的算法,使得 ASP.NET能够在内存运行效率较低的情况下强制缓存清除——从缓存自动删除未使用过的项目。
The first is that the Cache implements a least-recently-used algorithm, allowing ASP.NET to force a Cache purge—automatically removing unused items from the Cache—if memory is running low.
所有的缓冲区将被组织到一个较长的最近最少使用(least - recently - used,LRU)缓冲区队列中,并通过最近最少使用(LRU)机制进行管理。
All buffers are organized into a long least-recently-used (LRU) buffer queues and are managed by least-recently-used (LRU) mechanism.
Another site claims that the nearest stall is the least used.
内存区域是一个使用最近最少算法(Least RecentlyUsed,LRU)的纯内存缓存区域。
The memory region is a pure-memory cache region that uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.
内存区域是一个使用最近最少算法(Least RecentlyUsed,LRU)的纯内存缓存区域。
The memory region is a pure-memory cache region that uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm.