• 直至昨天这项项目只是一个理论可能现在成了真正可能的事了。

    Until yesterday, the project was just a possibility, but now it has become a real probability.


  • 几乎本书两个好的观点但是可能的事需要阅读这本中的每一

    Almost every book has a good point or two, but it is highly unlikely that you need to read every page of the entire book.


  • 我会一切可能的事出现下周在家乡举办的大奖赛并且考虑到它是否竞争力至少得。

    I'll do everything possible to be present at my home grand prix next week and will consider every possibility that is at least competitive.


  • 一件可能”,,“知道测试过这个并且对于得出两种性别狭隘兴趣或者其他特征的界定,我都想象许多相反的例子。”

    "It's a possibility," he says. "But I don't know anyone who has tested it and I can think of many exceptions to any rule you come up with about what narrow interests or other traits each gender has."


  • 过去看似可能的事现在显然可能了。

    What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct possibility.


  • 决定是否打捞沉船不是件容易尽管在1978年的一次挖掘表明,打捞船体可能的

    The decision whether or not to salvage the wreck was not an easy one, although an excavation in 1978 had shown that it might be possible to raise the hull.


  • 一些非常令人兴奋发展使成为有可能发生的

    There are some very exciting developments which have enabled this.


  • 甚至可能这些觉得可能靠这个谋生不屑一顾的。

    It might even be something that you dismissed offhand because you thought it wasn't possible to make a living doing that.


  • 绝对有可能过头

    It is definitely possible to over do it.


  • 东西根本无法改变韧性能接受一点,不会浪费精力可能的事

    Some things simply cannot be altered and resilient people accept this, not wasting energy on trying to do the impossible.


  • 要求他们描述他们直截了当甚至设想一下,那个病人看不到你在做的(我镜子使用),可能是个盲人。

    I tell them to describe what they're doing and to be straightforward, even to imagine that the patient, who can't see what they're doing (I have a mirror but I don't always use it), might be blind.


  • 或许他们朋友可能他们是你的敌人但是可以确定他们存在你的生活巨大的影响

    And maybe they're your friend, and maybe they're your enemy, but one thing is for certain: Their very existence has had a profound influence on your life.


  • 知道什么这样的惩罚,在你机会完成意义如此重大之前无论是怎么可能这样的一

    You want to know what you did to deserve this, and how anyone could possibly do such a thing before you had a chance to accomplish the things that mean so much to you.


  • 以前从未过的,而现在都是可能实现的。

    These are things that I think are possible that I never thought possible before.


  • 因此任何可能大略改善大脑健康状态你的记忆力积极影响

    So anything that generally improves your brain health may also have a positive impact on your memory.


  • 第三士兵转身大伙说到:“什么秘密但是确定的:只一起分享我们可能举办一次宴会。”

    The third soldier turned to the crowd, and said: "There is no secret, but this is certain: it is only by sharing that we may make a feast".


  • 感觉立即教导用户不是仅仅告诉他们可能触犯法律然后给出一个其他页面链接

    What I found most refreshing was educating the user in the immediate space rather than merely telling them they might be breaking the law and then providing a link to another page.


  • 这里一些信息帮助预约准备清楚医生可能做的

    Here's some information to help you prepare for your appointment, and what to expect from your doctor.


  • 所以就是在两棘手交易,一方面可能股本权益下降,一方面是让银行合伙人

    So you're trading one devil which is the dilution that you might take, for another devil which is having the bank as your partner.


  • 重现几十亿年前是个艰巨任务许多科学家相信,就生命本身出现一样,还是可能

    Trying to recreate an event that happened billions of years ago is a daunting task, but many scientists believe that, like the emergence of life itself, it is still possible.


  • 眼泪脸上流淌而是一个男子在回答刚才记者提出问题,“如果知道有可能不会见到老婆,你些什么不同的呢?”

    "With tears streaming down his face, the gentleman had just answered the reporter's question," What would you do differently if you had known you might not see your wife again?


  • 也许,对于几千访客网站来说,可能不是什么大不了,而对于哪些更多网页网站的访问者站点来说,这些起来其实是一个庞大的储蓄

    While this might not be a big deal for a site with only a few thousand visitors a month or with limited content, for site with more pages and more visitors, this can actually add up to a huge savings.


  • 然而肯定的:我们女性更好地适应因为看起来无疑不可能很快改变

    One thing, however, is certain: we females better get used to it, because it doesn’t look likely to change anytime soon.


  • 我们觉得信号0时还是可能获得一些数据的,但是语音就是一回了。

    We feel it's possible we could have pulled down some data even with the signal at 0, but voice is another thing.


  • 我们公司几个一直接触任何可能我们组织平台上获益的人和

    We have a couple of people here that are always reaching out to anyone and anything that would benefit from our platform for self organizing.


  • 再说如果阿雷特希望某个人可能是因为知道一些危及帮派首领杰克弄个明白。

    And if Arete wanted someone dead, it was probably because he knew something that could hurt the gang leader. Jack wanted a part of that as well.


  • 只是我们大脑一个基本的特色,我们可能任何可能情况下忽略这些

    It's basically a feature of the human mind that we all share, and we might miss this stuff at any given point.


  • 上周末郊外野餐购物可能幸免了更高物价

    When you were shopping for last weekend's cookout, there's one thing you may have missed: higher prices.


  • 进行比较一件比较公平学校里相同机会朋友比较的话,你可能他们的要好所以一定他们的能力强。

    With work colleagues it's a fairness issue, but with school friends who had the same opportunities as you you might think 'They've done much better than me so I must be less competent'.


  • 因此众神只在和这个原始世界的“物质“,联系时神力课上都会用到,“物质“这个,这就意味着奇幻有可能发生

    So gods have power only insofar as they are connected with that primordial world "stuff," a technical term that I use throughout this lecture! That means that magic is possible in such a system.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定