This can be really dangerous because there are harmful chemicals in the smoke from both wood and coal and they can seriously pollute the air in your home.
Releasing harmful chemicals into the air and water endangers living things.
Automobiles and factories burn gasoline and coal, which send certain chemicals into the air.
It's said that while we're awake, there is a chemical build-up in the brain that is harmful.
Some fish may contain harmful chemicals, which can be the result of both natural causes and water pollution.
But stinging eyes and dry coughs show that harmful chemicals fill the air.
They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.
If you eat one of these sandwiches every day, you could get a whopping dose of these unhealthy chemicals.
The chemical hazards contained in the fireworks have potential to cause health or environmental problems. If possible, firecrackers or fireworks shall be avoided.
If the two mix in the stomach, compounds in the wine thwart the formation of harmful chemicals that are released when meat is digested.
Because there are so many butts and because they can take up to 5 years to break down, the toxic chemicals add up to a large amount.
Therefore, the non-fluorescent agent of poisonous chemical substances, is the health and quarantine departments in Baoji City approved a one-time green paper cups.
Even though parents may smoke only outside and away from their infant, babies apparently still absorb dangerous chemicals from them.
There is also the possibility that the unusual chemical reactions that occur during irradiation may lead to the formation of chemicals that may be harmful to humans.
The body care products we use every day may actually contain harmful chemicals that not only damage our skin but our health.
Babies and toddlers can it seems absorb the harmful chemicals simply from touching furniture in a smoker's house, or hugging their mothers after they had a cigarette.
But we know that hazardous chemicals are used in plastics, and some of those plastics will leach chemicals that may be harmful to our health, and we don't know the full extent of that.
Boche says they believe the microglia may produce chemicals that are harmful to surrounding cells and make Alzheimer's worse.
Dibutyl Phthalate is one of the most toxic chemicals to the human body, and most cosmetic companies are discontinuing it's use, but it is a slow process.
This barrier is a natural defence against potentially harmful chemicals floating around the body but has also stopped useful drugs reaching the brain as well.
Complex organisms make use of the same components to do all this incredible stuff without any harmful chemicals... in 10 years, all sorts of new stuff will have been done.
This widely used plastic often contains harmful chemicals, including such known carcinogens as vinyl chloride, dioxin, and phthalates, which are linked to asthma, allergies, and reproductive problems.
The Hanfang Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.
The Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.
Her book raised awareness of the harmful effects of chemicals on the world's lakes.
It is feared that the harmful chemicals in denim have spread far and wide.
It is feared that the harmful chemicals in denim have spread far and wide.