• 目的研究不同产地五味子有效成分含量

    ObjectiveTo study the component content. of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis from different sources.


  • 葶苈有效成分含量较低较大剂量使用方能发挥作用

    But the effective composition of SLD is very low in itself, which needs more dosage to take effect.


  • 结果超临界CO2萃取常规萃取,且有效成分含量高。

    Results SCF-CO2 extracts out the lotion rate high than the routine, and the content of effective composition is high.


  • 结果表明SFE萃取生姜油树脂品质优,天然有效成分含量

    Such results showed that ginger oleoresins made from SFE was of higher quality and higher natural constituents content.


  • 结论:可利用远缘杂交优势筛选获得有效成分含量杂交新品种

    Conclusion: the advantage of far-origin hybridization can be used to select and obtain the new hybridization breed of high content of virtual components.


  • 探讨不同产地巴戟(MOH)天主要有效成分含量关系及其作用。

    Purpose: To discuss the relations of valuable compositions of MOH in different regions and its protection for liver lesion.


  • 结论澄清乙醇沉淀法相比提高有效成分含量,保持固形物收率。

    Conclusion: Using clarifying agents can increase the rate of the available ingredients reserved and has no effect on the residue received compared with alcohol.


  • 本文综合概述葡萄提取物常规品质有效成分含量,抗氧化性能质量评定

    The quality evaluation of grape seed extract was illustrated from its normal quality, concentration of effective components, oxygen radical absorbance capacity.


  • 黄连浸膏粉为例,采用红外漫反射光谱定量分析中药提取物有效成分含量

    The quality evaluation of Chinese herb, quantitative analysis of Chinese herb extract and fast analysis of the extraction process using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy were studied in this paper.


  • 目的探索不同加工方法丹参饮片中有效成分含量影响,确定丹参饮片最佳加工方法。

    Aim From exploring the influence of different process to the valid composition content of Salvia Miltiorriza Prepared, we want to choose the best ways in processing Salvia Miltiorriza Prepared.


  • 使用假药可能导致治疗失败有效成分含量不足从而增强疟药物抗药性),甚至造成死亡

    Their use can result in treatment failure (and contribute to increased resistance in the case of antimalarials that contain insufficient active ingredient) or even death.


  • 结果甲壳素凝沉淀法其他方法所得口服液澄明度稳定性好,有效成分含量相对较高

    RESULTS Chitosan flocculation procedure clarified better than other methods, it had better stability, and the active components were higher comparatively.


  • 绞股蓝皂甙含量经过测定最高达4.7%,一般2.2%以上,有效成分含量比较高。

    The content of its total Cypenosides is generally 2.2% and even up to 4.7 % in highest.


  • 试验探讨固体培养悬浮培养条件下,西洋参根芽愈伤组织生长有效成分含量影响

    The study was focused on the effects of solid culture and suspension culture on the callus growth and saponin content of callus from the buds of Panax quinquefolius L.


  • 方法考察两种澄清沉淀效果、过滤难易、对主要有效成分含量影响稳定性进行比较。

    Methods: By studying precipitation effect of two clarification methods, in the meantime, studying the influence of different concentration of chitin on the clarification effect of Naoqing Oral Liquid.


  • 浸膏酊剂中均流浸膏有效成分含量较酊剂高,因此服用量较小,溶媒副作用就小。

    Both liquid extract and tincture contain alcohol, but the effective component of the former is higher than that of the latter, so it has less side-effect.


  • 多倍体器官巨大型的特点可以在提高花卉观赏性抗性同时增加药用植物产量有效成分含量

    Polyploid has the organ huge characteristic, it can enhance ornamental and resistant and increases the medicinal plant output or the effective component content.


  • 生长期限同时,经过特殊管理大黄有效成分含量最高,普通栽培方法其次,自然条件生长的最低

    The contents of emodin and chrysophanol from the highest to the lowest in sequence were: the ones with special administration, the cultivated ones and the ones of natural growth.


  • 本文OV-101为固定液,正二十二物,相色谱法测定溴苯辛酸酯乳油有效成分含量

    The contents of the formulation of bromoxynil octanoate was determined by gas chromatography with FID on OV-101, and n-docosane as internal standard.


  • 甜味成分一方面掩盖苦味降低药效,一方面健胃中的很多成分发生络合反应降低有效成分含量

    On the one hand to cover up bitter sweet ingredients, reduce the effect, on the other hand also Jianwei and medicine in many complex elements in response to lower its active ingredient content.


  • 方法试验采用因素随机区组设计,定定期进行调查测定,收获后测各器官产量主要有效成分含量

    Method: Single factor randomized block design was applied, plant samples were collected and investigated periodically, and dry weight, production and the main active ingredient content were measured.


  • 目的:研究吴茱萸超微饮片HPLC指纹图谱,考察有效成分含量吴茱萸超微饮片质控提供可靠方法。

    Objective: to determine the HPLC fingerprint of the Ultramicro Fructus Evodiae and to test its potent constituent content.


  • 研究不同气候带板蓝根、大青叶有效成分合成积累动态规律、生长积累动态规律不同产地板蓝根、大青叶有效成分含量差异性

    Rules of the dynamic accumulation of both index constituents in different climate zones and different growth periods and different locations are investigated.


  • 本文采用高效液相色谱法以甲醇(50:50)作为流动采用ODS-C18色谱成功地测定了克·福种衣剂有效成分含量

    Using HPLC reversed phase column(ODS-C18), methanol:water (50:50) as mobile phase, the contents of two active ingredients of Seed-coating of Kefu were determined successfully.


  • 中药质量除了自身有效成分有毒成分含量明确且稳定可控外,中药残留农药重金属中药质量的影响不可忽视。

    The quality of Chinese herbs was not only including the effective constituent, toxicant and content but also the heavy metals and pesticide residue.


  • HPLC法测定麻黄有效成分含量作为成品定量控制指标

    Determine you medicine effective composition in the Chinese ephedra with HPLC (regard content that the hydrochloric acid of Mahuang are counted) as finished product index that ration control.


  • 结果显示,黄连黄芩共煎产生沉淀使有效成分含量降低

    Precipitates were generated after the couple of Coptis and Scute, which results the decrease of contents of effective ingredients.


  • 方法采用TLC方法鉴别主要有效成分葛根素hplc测定葛根素含量

    Methods using TLC method to justify main effective component puerarin and using HPLC method to determine the content of puerarin in Naoqing oral liquid.


  • 方法采用薄层扫描淫羊主要有效成分淫羊甙进行含量测定

    Methods: The main active component icariin of Herba Epimedii was determined by TLC scanning.


  • 目的建立一种高效液相色谱方法同时测定五加脑灵两种有效成分含量

    AIM: To establish a method of simultaneously determining effective components in Ciwujia Naoling Oral Liquid by RP-HPLC.


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