• 对于被动句式研究已经相当数量被动句式动词研究成果不是特别多

    For passive forms have been a considerable amount of research, but the verb passive forms in the research results are rare.


  • 尽管如此后来还是相当数量完全陆生动物做出改变,离开了它们辛辛苦苦重新改造的陆地回到水里

    Nevertheless, a good number of thoroughgoing land animals later turned around, abandoned their hard-earned terrestrial re-tooling, and returned to the water again.


  • 相当证据表明,今年成立公司数量不会去年多。

    There is considerable evidence that the number of new companies starting up this year will be no higher than it was last year.


  • 间歇过程意味着一个相当数量非生产性的产能,“。”

    It's a batch process, which means that there's a fair amount of nonproductive capacity, "he said."


  • 对于我们来说一点变得清楚了,就是Castor运行时xerces (Castor底层XML解释器)使用相当数量CPU

    One point that became clear to us was that Xerces (Castor's underlying XML parser) was using a fair amount of the CPU while Castor was running.


  • 确实大部分目的伤害自己以后不会继续试图自杀,但也相当数量的自杀未遂者再次试图自杀。

    Although it is true that most people who purposely harm themselves do not go on to kill themselves later, a significant number who attempt, will attempt again.


  • 奥地利大使馆迁至西南部大阪,考虑那里相当数量跨国公司

    Austria moved its embassy to Osaka, to the south-west, as have a number of private international firms.


  • 工作负载执行时间与要处理记录数量函数关系,并且可能执行相当长的时间

    The execution time of this workload will be a function of the number of records to process, and could be quite long.


  • 这些相当可观数量照片同等可观数量已经开始献身研究这些飞行物,旨在证明真实性

    With this extraordinary quantity of photographs, an equal extraordinary quantity of people has been dedicated on studying them, aiming to verify its veracity.


  • 我们电视耗费时间、因特网保持联系酒精麻木我们抑郁相当数量可以短期娱乐上。

    We have televisions to occupy us, Internet social sites to keep us connected, alcohol to numb our depression and a fair amount of money to spend on short term entertainment.


  • 如今,英国职业男女数量基本相当孩子的女性三分之二的人正在工作

    The number of men and women in employment is now almost equal, with more than two-thirds of mothers now in work.


  • 关于通知影响,目前已经相当数量研究了。

    There has been a considerable amount of research into the effects of notifications.


  • 由于正在使用中的钞票有相当数量已被“毁容”,塞浦路斯中央银行近日呼吁那些涂鸦爱好者们立即停止该国流通货币上胡写画的行为。

    The Cypriot central bank, alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation, appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country's currency.


  • 这个发现牵扯大量问题,因为有相当数量的乳腺癌患者同时也是抑郁症患者,每四个乳腺癌患者一个受其影响

    The findings have major implications because many of these women also suffer from depression, with up to one in four affected.


  • 由于不完整错误或者经常变更需求相当数量项目超出了他们预算而且在规定时间内完成。

    A significant number of projects go over budget and don't meet their timelines, due to missing, incorrect, or changed requirements.


  • 说是这么仍然有相当数量家庭老年人照顾关注

    In spite of what has just been said, there are still a considerable number of families unable to care for their elderly relatives with the proper care and attention required.


  • 但是有相当数量地方,包括最后故事:《前往迪尔迪达蓝》("Hacia Teotitlán")——关于一个前去墨西哥在那里的男人都是作者对终将死亡命运的担忧的真情流露。

    But a number of the pieces, including the final story, “Hacia Teotitlán, ” about a man who travels to Mexico to die, are movingly born out of the author’s anxiety about his mortality.


  • 相当数量开发商自己创作asp

    Like a good number of developers, I have authored all my own ASP.


  • 现在虽然一切听起来简单理论上明显相当数量实际问题之前必须克服偏微分方程工作

    Now while this all sounds pretty simple in theory, there are clearly quite a number of practical problems to be overcome before a working PDE can be built.


  • 法国尤其是滑翔伞飞行员当中,相当数量飞行员仍然愿意携带备份伞飞行;

    In France, especially among paragliders, a large number of pilots still do not fly with a parachute.


  • 旅行相当数量汽车了解逆变电源好处绝对必要的

    For anyone who travels a considerable amount in a car, understanding the benefits of having a car power inverter is definitely essential.


  • 病毒何而来原因大概许多许多;但是事实证明有相当数量的病毒来自于我们动物朋友

    Where does a new virus come from? Perhaps, the cause is very complicated, but, lots of facts prove that quite a few virus comes from our friends, animals.


  • 而目前我国轿车企业竞争力相对薄弱相当数量企业亏损

    Now, the car enterprise competition ability of our country is relatively weak, has the enterprise loss of considerable quantity.


  • 相当数量6个月一立场全职参与培训使最初职责的培训,避免冲突

    There is a significant amount of full time training involved with this position for the first 6 months, so initial duties will be limited to avoid conflicts with the training.


  • 相关部门相当数量假票被卖给了球迷通过网络销售

    Authorities say there are a number of fake tickets being offered to fans and on the Internet.


  • 另外相当数量网站如果不用IE访问的话,功能正确

    In addition, a considerable number of Web sites don't function properly if you're not using IE to access them.


  • 另外相当数量网站如果不用IE访问的话,功能正确

    In addition, a considerable number of Web sites don't function properly if you're not using IE to access them.


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