• 期待视野个性化阅读关系

    "Anticipation field of vision" and individuality reading relations.


  • 译者应该致力于译出符合译文读者期待视野合适的译本。

    Translators should aim at producing suitable target text which could conform to target language readers' horizon of expectation.


  • 这样迎合了主流话语契合读者期待视野审美习惯

    This way either catered to official words or corresponded to readers' Horizon of Expectations and aesthetic habits.


  • 读者接受理论认为每个读者期待视野与其身处的文化背景紧密相关。

    The theory of readers' reception claimed readers have horizons of expectation on every piece of writing, which is deeply influenced by their culture.


  • 因此作者创作文学作品应该考虑到所处时代读者期待视野

    Therefore, reader's expectation horizon should be taking into consideration when the writer was creating the literal works.


  • 期待视野读者认知结构阅读要求我们要有关理论指导教学实践

    Expectant vision refers to readers' cognitive structures and their expectations out of reading. Therefore, teaching practice needs to be guided by related theories.


  • 这种期待视野融合反省边城形成变化产生一定的影响。

    The fusion or reflection of the horizon of expectations ever had important impact on the formation or changes on the "Border Town".


  • 因此柯林斯侦探小说创作更接近读者期待视野增强了侦探小说社会内涵

    Therefore, Collins's detective novels the reader closer to the expectations of vision, but also enhanced the social connotations of detective stories.


  • 结合林纾鲁迅翻译,论述译者价值立场读者期待视野外国文学翻译的影响

    This thesis, which combines Lin Shu's translation with lu Xun's, states the effect of the translator's value standpoint and the reader's horizons of expectation for the foreign literature.


  • 小说叙述超越一般读者期待视野正是作者康拉德表现现代视角的所在。

    Although the narrative of the novel can hardly go along with common readers' psychological expectation, it is an effective way to present the author Conrad's modern point of view in his work.


  • 模糊语言不确定性读者提供了广阔的想象空间极大激活逐渐修正读者期待视野

    The indeterminacies brought by the fuzzy language leave large imagination space for the readers, which greatly excites and modifies their horizon of expectations.


  • 创作真诚来自现实主义文学观念艺术勇气使命意识以及读者期待视野”的重视

    The sincerity in his writings comes from his sense of realistic literature, courage in art, consciousness of mission, sense of duty and attention to the readers' expectant field of vision.


  • 一位读者都可以根据自己期待视野文本读出不同的东西,这样文本阐释就是多元的。

    The individual reader can use his own view of expectation to interpret different meanings from the text, so that the explanation of the text is multi-faceted examination.


  • 我们可以看出期待视野融合反思对《边城》创作接受改订等情况都有着实质性影响。

    We can see, the fusion or reflection of the horizon of expectations ever had important impact on the formation or changes on the creation, acceptance, modify of "Border Town".


  • 观众行为缘于期待视野主动的有选择性的,这种主动性一直贯穿整个观影活动中。

    The watching behavior of audience results from expectation, which is positive and selective, and the initiative goes through the whole watching activity.


  • 人们对于电视剧期待视野变得多元化的背景下,电视剧开始寻求自身深层审美价值意义

    Based on people's diversity expectation, the TV play begins to seek their own aesthetic value of the underlying meaning. The article is divided into three parts.


  • 翻译活动重视读者期待视野”、译文“召唤性结构创设及跨文化接受的“历史效果”。

    Thus the expectancy of the reader and the appeal structure of the translated version should be emphasized in a translation.


  • 接受理论提出重要概念期待视野视野融合”,使人们开始新的角度看待文学翻译

    Some significant concepts in Reception Theory, such as "horizons of expectations" and "fusion of horizons", make people begin to view literary translation from an entirely new Angle.


  • 本文拟从哲学解释学中的“视界融合概念和接受美学期待视野”概念入手,论述译者地位的彰显。

    This paper will discuss a translator's position under the notions of fusion of horizons & horizons of expectation.


  • 然而公众满足审美需求之后,其期待视野时代进步壁画创作跟风雷同中发生了变化。

    However, after being satisfied with theiraesthetical demand, the public's expectation field of vision has transformed with the development of the times and the similarity of murals created.


  • 壁画作品在壁画创作公众期待视野之间距离产生延伸终结过程实现自身的艺术价值取向。

    Mural creation should realize its art value in the process of the distance' occurrence, enlargement and ending between mural works and the public's expectant field of vision.


  • 对百年红学若干个案考察与反思,有利于对新世纪红学突破契机、发展前景进行期待视野中的前瞻展望。

    It also predicts the breakthroughs and development prospects of the study in the new century in expect horizon.


  • 姚斯期待视野”理论对翻译启示是为了使读者接受自己译本,译者在翻译中必须关照读者的期待视野

    Jauss s "horizon of expectations" reveals that translators should take readers horizon of expectation into consideration in order to achieve readers acceptability of their translations.


  • 翻译人员应对语义空白具有足够认识,从而通过期待视野尽可能地发挥其再创造性同时还要把握再创造

    Translators shall get sufficient understandings about semantic gap and exert their creativity through horizons of expectations, and at the same time hold the degree of re-creativity.


  • 接受美学角度看,《传奇满足读者期待视野打破超越了读者的期待视野正是《传奇》的魅力之所在。

    From the Angle of Reception-Aesthetics, the Legend both satisfies and breaks through the readers horizon of expectation, which is the great charm of the Legend.


  • 法国中尉女人后现代主义小说中的另类”,独树一格叙述风格主题给人们带来了一个崭新期待视野

    The French Lieutenant's Woman is the "otherness" of post-modernism. Its unique narrative style and theme brings the readers with quite new horizons of expectation.


  • 期待广阔视野事实背后意义有一个较深刻认识

    You are expected to develop broad vision and a deeper understanding of the significance behind the facts.


  • 去年夏天本来期待工作开拓的新视野

    Last summer, I expected my job to open new worlds to me.


  • 论文作者主要应用斯坦茨学派代表人物之一姚斯理论——“期待 视野”作为 研究的理论基础。

    The author of this thesis mainly employs "horizon of expectations" proposed by Hans Robert Jauss, one of the major representatives of the Constance School.


  • 论文作者主要应用斯坦茨学派代表人物之一姚斯理论——“期待 视野”作为 研究的理论基础。

    The author of this thesis mainly employs "horizon of expectations" proposed by Hans Robert Jauss, one of the major representatives of the Constance School.


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