• 建立粗糙运输问题目标规划期望值模型机会约束规划模型、相关机会规划模型

    Expected value goal programming, chance constrained goal programming model and dependent-chance goal programming model of rough transportation problem are constructed;


  • 基于以上特点,文章采用随机模拟模糊模拟相结合方法建立船舶经济指标期望值模型

    Based on the above-said characteristics, a combination of stochastic simulation and fuzzy simulation is applied for establishing ship economy expected value model.


  • 本文讨论了系统最优维修策略问题考虑题目所涉及的变量大多随机变量,我们建立了目标期望值模型

    Optimal maintenance policy problem in a system is discussed and analysed in this paper. Due to the random variable concerned, one objective mathematical model of expectation value is developed.


  • 油田措施增产最大化为目标兼顾成本、工作量等目标,建立油田措施规划的模糊期望值模型给出了模型的混合智能算法。

    The problem is formulated as expected value model, and the objective function is to minimize the setup costs, production costs and inventory holding costs.


  • 即便多哈协定的期望有所减少,仍有不少自由贸易支持者们认为CGE模型没有显示出他们最大利益期望值

    But even as they curb their enthusiasm for Doha, proponents of freer trade argue that CGE models do not show their cause to its best advantage.


  • 火力强度模型通过以特定兵力密度分布在本区分钟内抗击饱和进袭的敌空袭兵器数学期望值建立。

    The fire intensity model is built by the mathematic expectation that the forces that are arrayed in given distribution density attack the saturation air attack forces in a minute.


  • 本文讨论贝塔分布共轭于二项分布决策模型行动线性决策问题抽样信息期望值计算公式。

    In this paper we discuss the counting formula of the expected value of sampling information for linear decision problem on two actions under the Be - b model.


  • 模板支撑架体系失效概率模糊化,建立了以模糊风险损失期望值最小为依据的风险决策模型

    With the use of fuzzy failure probability, risk decision model based on minimum fuzzy risk loss expectation was presented.


  • 通过加权关键路径算法可以计算工作流完成时间期望值记录约简过程中的中间结果,从而确定工作流模型关键路径。

    A weighted critical path algorithm was provided to calculate the expectation value of the workflow's duration, record the process of reduction, and identify the time-oriented critical path.


  • 研究方法采用以期望值基尼集合空间随机优势风险决策模型

    The analytical framework of choice in this study was stochastic efficiency analysis in a mathematical programming form of Mean-Gini difference.


  • 研究表明-模型用于自然灾害模糊风险评估,期望值意义个可靠模型

    This study demonstrates that, in the meaning of the expected value, the interior outer set model is reliable for calculating the fuzzy risk of the natural disaster.


  • 建立了具有随机生产费用随机需求连续生产存贮系统期望值规划模型,运用动态规划方法给出了最优控制策略。

    In this paper, an expected value programming model is introduced for a continuous production-inventory system with stochastic production cost and stochastic demand.


  • 模型救援设施覆盖需求全部收益期望值最大作为目标,以各救援设施的位置各救援设施分别覆盖哪些需求点作为决策变量

    The objective function is to maximize the total expected demand covered, and the decision variables are the selected location sites and the respective response facilities for every demand nodes.


  • 分析建立不确定规划期望值处理模型,机会测度分析模型极大化事件实现机会数学模型

    The expectation disposal model of the uncertain program, probability measurement analysis model, success of maximal event probability model are analysed and determined.


  • 建立了随机指派问题期望值目标规划模型机会约束目标规划模型、相关机会目标规划模型

    Expected value goal programming model, chance-constrained goal programming model and dependent-chance goal programming model of random assignment problem are constructed.


  • 对于辨识,语者特定模型直接用语者的语料借助于期望值最大化算法EM)来训练辨识算法采用了最大事后概率法则MAP);

    For speaker identification, Expectation Maximization Algorithm (EM) is adopted to train speaker dependent model, and afterwards recognize speaker according to Maximum a Posteriori Criterion (MAP).


  • 建立了模糊指派问题期望值目标规划模型机会约束目标规划模型、相关机会目标规划模型

    Expected value goal programming model, chance-constrained goal programming model and dependent-chance goal programming model of fuzzy assignment problem are constructed.


  • 提出一类模糊机会约束随机期望值规划模型模型同时含有随机模糊参数

    A stochastic programming model with fuzzy chance constraint is presented which has stochastic and fuzzy parameters.


  • 提出一类模糊机会约束随机期望值规划模型模型同时含有随机模糊参数

    A stochastic programming model with fuzzy chance constraint is presented which has stochastic and fuzzy parameters. Improved paper-boy problem demonstrates that the programming model is reasonable.


  • 运用最优梯度下降法使目标计算值与期望值误差最小来迭代优选权重,建立迭代算法模型

    A few or all of the parameters of the controller are adjusted by using the gradient descent algorithm to minimize the output error.


  • 运用最优梯度下降法使目标计算值与期望值误差最小来迭代优选权重,建立迭代算法模型

    A few or all of the parameters of the controller are adjusted by using the gradient descent algorithm to minimize the output error.


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