• 他用而不是铁钉制作家具

    He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails.


  • 资料摘自《柯林斯手册》。

    This material has been extracted from "Collins Good Wood Handbook."


  • 莫娜爬上摇摇晃晃楼梯

    Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairs.


  • 他们开始修理建部分粉刷墙壁

    They started to mend the woodwork and paint the walls.


  • 建部分最近刷了层漆

    The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint.


  • 建部分需要油漆

    The woodwork needs painting.


  • 这有拨弄了一会儿然后给了别人。

    There was a little wooden flute in there. I tootled on it and passed it around.


  • 椽子着火了。

    The wooden rafters caught fire.


  • 整个大厅鲜艳的橘红色装饰建部分漆成黑色金色

    The hall is decorated in bright orangey-red with black and gold woodwork.


  • 喜欢这间起居室有着深色构件东方地毯厚实的家具

    I love the living room, with its dark woodwork, oriental rugs, and chunky furniture.


  • 他们那里搭的是什么脚手架

    What wooden scaffolding is that which they have set up there?


  • 那里睡着了,睡着的时候,开始燃烧

    There he fell asleep, and while he slept, his wooden feet began to burn.


  • 男孩坐在靠着树,在根粗糙

    A boy was sitting under a tree, with his back against it, playing on a rough wooden pipe.


  • 他们保护小村庄里,不受外面动物的侵害。

    They lived in small villages protected by wooden walls from the animals outside.


  • 叔叔在这里山羊做了一个隔板稻草地板上

    The uncle had made a wooden partition here for the goats, and covered the floor with straw.


  • 拄着拐杖慢慢走时,确定是什么促使看着

    I'm not sure what made me look at her as she walked slowly by her wooden walking stick.


  • 起初古琴只有根弦代表五种元素

    At first, the gugin had only five strings, representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.


  • 里面,正在雕刻圆圆的呢。”海蒂边说边开门

    "He is inside, making round wooden spoons," the child replied, opening the door while she spoke.


  • 蛀虫将门框一点点蛀坏了。

    Woodworm had eaten away at the door frame.


  • 这些用梣的。

    The rafters are made from ash.


  • 收到菲利普来信惊愕让呆了好一会儿

    For a while the shock of Philippe's letter numbed her.


  • 场主经常赔本生产,以便需求低迷期过来。

    Timber owners have often produced lumber at a loss and survived these down cycles in demand.


  • 卫星卫一岩石密度为每立方厘米3.5

    Jupiter's moon Io, whose density is 3.5 grams per cubic centimetre, is all rock.


  • 11年后,我们找到了母亲巴玉布,她现在已经32岁了,住在凉山州越西县桃园村。

    Eleven years later, we found the mother Bamu Yubumu, who is now a 32-year-old woman living in Taoyuan village in Yuexi county of Liangshan.


  • 夫妇住在一个大花园里。

    Mr. and Mrs. Kuroki live in a large flower garden.


  • 先生种了花,想让妻子走出来享受花香。

    Mr. Kuroki planted the flowers to make his wife come out and enjoy the fragrance.


  • 夫人失明后,除非有必要,否则她拒绝离开。

    After Mrs. Kuroki became blind, she refused to leave unless it was necessary.


  • 而,随着岁月的流逝,黑太太的健康状况开始恶化。

    However, as years passed, Mrs. Kuroki's health began to decline.


  • 然每天植树是不现实的,但是只要心中有绿意,一终成林。

    It's unrealistic for you to plant a tree every day, but if you have a tree in your heart then you can take care of the whole environment.


  • 先生利用他们房子周围的山丘,开始种植一种具有浓烈香味的花。

    Mr. Kuroki took advantage of the hills around their house and he began to plant a kind of flower with strong fragrance (芳香) .


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