• ——曾任人力资源执行官,《公司机密公司不想让知道50个秘密作者辛西娅皮洛。

    Cynthia Shapiro, former human resource executive and author of "Corporate Confidential: 50 Secrets Your Company Doesn't Want You to Know."


  • 糟的是,到头来双方可能会发现,经过这么一折腾,商业秘密或者机密信息已经彻底丧失,或者面临着被泄露的风险。

    Even worse, the parties might find that they have lost or compromised their trade secrets or confidential information.


  • 聪明黑客渗透企业国家存有秘密机密资料库

    Clever hackers would penetrate the classified databanks that guarded corporate secrets and the mysteries of state.


  • 这也就是汽车制造商掩盖他们新款车型如同机密武器一样原因所在,还要通过摄影师玩一玩猫捉汽车的游戏,因为总是摄影师最先揭开秘密

    That's why they cloak new models like classified weapons, setting off games of cat-and-car with photographers who try to scoop the secrets.


  • 惠普说,赫德无法泄露使用惠普商业秘密机密信息的情况下开展在甲骨文工作

    H-P says Hurd 'cannot perform his job at Oracle without disclosing or utilizing HP's trade secrets and confidential information.


  • 每家公司都有秘密。公司里有些机密信息重要的,如果竞争对手得到这些信息,你的公司就可能会遭受到严重的经济损失

    Every company has secrets. Some confidential company information can be so important that if your competitors got hold of it, your company could suffer very serious financial losses.


  • 特别是欧洲专利局应当保守秘密不得报告包含任何机密信息转达其他人除非许可另有明确书面许可。

    In particular, the epo shall keep confidential and shall not convey to others any confidential information contained in reports except as otherwise expressly permitted by the Licensee in writing.


  • 明显区别在于商业秘密向外界公布机密而受到保护的。

    Probably one of the most significant differences is that a trade secret is protected without disclosure of the secret.


  • 保护机密信息法律有效容许无限期的独自拥有秘密信息,而不象专利商标那样有期限限制

    The law of protection of confidential information effectively allows a perpetual monopoly in secret information - it does not expire as would a patent or trade mark.


  • 一些类型秘密包括财务信息公司产品细节有关公司如何生产产品的机密信息(可口可乐肯德鸡以及未来商务计划

    Some types of secrets include financial information, details about your company's products, secret information about how your company makes products (like Coke and KFC) and future business plans.


  • 秘密一些类型包括有关公司产品财务信息细节,有关公司如何生产产品的机密信息(可口可乐肯德鸡)以及未来商务计划

    Some types of secrets include financial information, details about your company's products, secret information about how your company makes products (like Coke and KFC) and future business plans.


  • 无论看到听见什么专业上的或私人秘密,我严守机密

    Whatever secrets I see or hear, professionally or privately, I will keep secret and tell no one.


  • 每家公司秘密。公司里有些机密信息重要的,如果竞争对手得到这些信息,你的公司就可能遭受到很严重经济损失

    Every company has its secrets. Some confidential informations are so important that if your competitors get them, your company will suffer a severe economical loss.


  • 法国官员萨科齐与奥朗德举行了40分钟的会谈,前者将国家机密以及激活核弹秘密程序等对继任者做了简要说明

    The two men had a 40-minute meeting, officials said, during which Mr. Sarkozy briefed his successor on state secrets and the confidential procedure for activating the nuclear bomb.


  • 使用电脑用户都有自己秘密文件特别是对于商务用户而言自然愿意别人使用自己的电脑,以免造成商业机密泄漏

    The user of use computer has his confidential document, especially to business affairs user character, do not be willing naturally to let others use his computer, lest cause commercial secret leak.


  • 甲骨文作为惠普竞争对手之一,履行甲骨文的工作职责必然用到惠普的商业秘密机密信息

    'and' as a competitor of HP, he will necessarily call upon HP's trade secrets and confidential information in performing his job duties for Oracle.


  • 所有技术信息包括提供批发商图表都是X秘密财产构成商业机密

    All technical information, including schematics and bill of materials provided to DISTRIBUTOR are the confidential property of X and may constitute X trade secrets.


  • 尊重别人隐、秘密绝不泄露别人的私隐、秘密包括企业经营机密

    Respect other people's confidential and secret information; don't leak other people's confidential or secret information, including an enterprise's business secrets.


  • 前所许多拥有商业秘密的公司里,商业秘密不会存在的,除非商业秘密拥有者运用合理手段保护机密

    As noted above, under most trade secret regimes, a trade secret is not deemed to exist unless its purported holder takes reasonable steps to maintain its secrecy.


  • 前所许多拥有商业秘密的公司里,商业秘密不会存在的,除非商业秘密拥有者运用合理手段保护机密

    As noted above, under most trade secret regimes, a trade secret is not deemed to exist unless its purported holder takes reasonable steps to maintain its secrecy.


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