He also allegedly killed one of the other women who was said to have been "disobedient," the report said, adding he allegedly buried both bodies in the corner of one of the rooms.
In the shadow of a great dwelling I catch the gleam of white garments; then the figure of a woman confronts me in the road — my murdered wife!
Maybe it was a gang thing and one of the initiations is to find a really pretty blonde lady in a really high-powered car and take her out.
If a woman paying someone twenty-five thousand dollars to kill her husband can be called legitimate.
Later he attended a party given by some of his friends and discovered that they, too, suspected him of complicity in the murder of the two women.
There are men, women, children and soldiers being killed, right now.
那个杀害传教士丈夫的田纳西女人Mary Winkler已经出狱。
Mary Winkler is out of jail. She is the woman who killed her preacher husband in Tennessee.
On the island where the Germans were living, there were only one man and one woman living together, with the third gone, because he had been killed in a duel.
On the island where the Germans were living, there were only one man and one woman living together, with the third gone, because he had been killed in a duel.