• 按租约条款支付维修费

    Under the terms of the lease , you have to pay maintenance charges.


  • 仔细阅读保险单条款签字

    Check the terms of the policy before you sign.


  • 他们的参与一些重要条款限制。

    Their participation is subject to a number of important provisos.


  • 合同最后条款不作改动

    The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.


  • 他们会晤确定条约条款

    They met to finalize the terms of the treaty.


  • 记住合同条款总是必要

    It is always necessary to have regard to the terms of the contract.


  • 租约条款规定,无权转租房产

    Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.


  • 这些条款构成买卖双方所签合同一部分。

    These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller.


  • 聘用条款应有书面协议

    The terms of engagement are to be agreed in writing.


  • 协议条款双方有利

    The terms of the agreement are favourable to both sides.


  • 高明律师也许能找到绕过那个条款办法

    A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause.


  • 根据合同条款这项工作本昨天完成

    Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday.


  • 所有条款条件合同已清楚地列明。

    All the terms and conditions are laid out in the contract.


  • 觉得自己中了圈套才接受合同条款

    He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract.


  • 他们判断提出贸易协定条款时机成熟

    They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement.


  • 根据这个条约条款罗谢尔割让给了英国人。

    Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.


  • 辩方律师尚未同意被害人亲属支付抚恤金条款

    Defence lawyers have still not agreed to terms for payment of blood money to the victims' families.


  • 如果保修单限制这些条款有权换货退款

    If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.


  • 法律条款税收削减1975年的水平

    One provision of the law was to roll back taxes to the 1975 level.


  • 他们基本同意这项提议,我们磋商各项条款

    They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.


  • 合同一项条款保证享有一定比例利润

    He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits.


  • 这笔即将达成交易条款商业周刊》上清楚地阐述了。

    The terms of the prospective deal are most clearly spelled out in Business Week.


  • 联合国安全理事会任何制裁解除遵守停火条款联系起来。

    The U.N. Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.


  • 他们君主制主义者一起添加了一个条款要求问题进行全民投票表决。

    They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.


  • 要求合同中订什么条款

    What clause do you require in the contract?


  • 惩罚条款

    There's a penalty clause.


  • 如果同意条款我们指定你方为我方的独家代理

    If you could agree to terms, we would point you as our sole agent.


  • 其他欧洲国家移民也类似的要求有些条款甚至更加苛刻

    Other European countries laid down a similar requirement for immigrants, and some terms are even tougher.


  • 适用对象为高薪经理高管时,这些条款就会企业带来困难。

    These provisions create difficulties for businesses when applied to highly paid managers and executives.


  • 教育委员会认为种族隔离学校违反第十四修正案平等保护条款

    Board of Education that racially segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


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