The receiving Inspector verifies that material, items are correctly identified.
If the received items are acceptable, the QC Inspector shall attach a PASSED Label to the items.
BPS inspectors are trained and qualified to perform inspection at various stages associated with inspection at source, receipt of materials, in-process and final assembly.
采购部应发出收货通知(RN,附件0702-2) ,并应将该收货通知随附供应商文件一并提交给质量控制检验员(QC),由其进行来料检验。
The procurement department shall initiate the Receipt Notice (RN, Exhibit 0702-2) and deliver the RN with vendor supplied documents to the QC Inspector for receiving inspection.
Manage QC inspector and Lab inspector, and coordinate them to finish the inspection of the raw material, in-process and finished product in time.
Manage QC inspector and Lab inspector, and coordinate them to finish the inspection of the raw material, in-process and finished product in time.