• 根据杨百翰大学发表一项研究比起肥胖15支烟社交孤立健康造成的风险更大

    Social isolation poses more health risks than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to research published by Brigham Young University.


  • 拥有美国杨百翰大学公共管理硕士学位

    She also holds a Master of Public Administration degree fromBrigham Young University.


  • 一从杨百翰大学农业综合企业系毕业,就租了农场开始工作

    A recent agribusiness graduate of Brigham Young University, he rented land and got to work.


  • 来自杨百翰大学研究人员西雅图的395个家庭做研究

    Researchers from Brigham Young University studied 395 families from Seattle with two or more children.


  • 美国杨百翰大学一项研究显示身体残疾可以给婚姻带来更多幸福

    A new study from Brigham Young University says that the onset of physical disability boosts marital happiness.


  • 知道决心杨百翰大学不要孤注一掷啊,最好多报考几个其它大学

    I know you really want to go to BYU, but don't put all your eggs into one basket. Apply to a few other colleges too.


  • 去年落后了2%哈佛大学今年还是76.5%的入学率杨百翰大学4%。

    This year, Harvard's 76.5 percent yield was a mere.4 percentage points lower than BYU's after trailing by 2 percentage points last year.


  • 研究的主持者之一是杨百翰大学家庭生活学院教授、工作家庭问题资深研究人希尔

    Jeffrey Hill, a professor in the School of family Life at Brigham Young University and a long-time researcher on work-family issues.


  • 2003年,杨百翰大学一位教授创建虚拟化学实验室,全国范围内现有15万高中化学学生

    A professor at Brigham Young University created the Virtual ChemLab in 2003, and it now serves 150,000 high school chemistry students across the country.


  • 当然,据研究兄弟姐妹关系杨百翰大学研究者劳拉. 帕迪拉.沃克,有兄弟姐妹仍然一种很好的经历

    Of course, having siblings can still be a positive experience, said Laura Padilla-Walker, a Brigham Young University researcher who studies sibling relationships.


  • 美国杨百翰大学科罗拉多州立大学研究人员们已经发现电视收音机电脑正在变得越来越胖

    Researchers % at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV, radio, and computer are making you fat.


  • 美国杨百翰大学科罗拉多州立大学研究人员们已经发现电视收音机和电脑正在变得越来越胖

    Researchers at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV, radio, and computer are making you fat.


  • 2011年,犹他州杨百翰大学暑期学院时,他受命破解封信文字,终于他不负众望,破解成功。

    Graduate Grant Adamson, of Rice University in the United States, cracked the words on the document after being assigned the task in 2011 during a summer institute at Brigham Young University in Utah.


  • 杨百翰大学研究人员已经发现那些从小生活在或者父母管教很严格或者放松青少年同龄人容易酗酒

    Researchers at Brigham Young University have found that teenagers who grow up with parents who are either too strict or too indulgent tend to binge drink more than their peers.


  • 彼此充满敌意兄弟姐妹有可能他人关系表现出侵略性杨百翰大学家庭生活院的詹姆斯·哈伯教授

    Brothers and sisters who exhibit hostility toward each other are more likely to portray aggressive behaviors in other relationships, says James Harper, BYU professor in the School of Family Life.


  • 哈佛大学去年欢迎度仅次于杨百翰大学,今年弥补差距,但是还是差一点点没有赢得“受欢迎的大学”的称号

    Harvard University, which placed second last year to BYU, closed the gap, narrowly missing the title of most popular, which it once held.


  • 在与杨百翰大学比赛,这名防守队员肘脚踢,甚至拉扯对方球员头发并将其拉到,视频上传到互联网之后,马上引起轰动

    The hair-pulling defender has become an Internet sensation after being seen hitting, kicking and, in one instance, pulling an opponent down by her hair during a game against Brigham Young University.


  • 按照一些研究学院提供各方面的水平2011年u.s.n ews的美国综合大学排名中,杨百翰大学降了四个名次,排到了第75名。

    BYU dropped four spots to 75th in U.S. News's 2011 rankings of national universities, which are research-oriented institutions that offer degrees of all levels.


  • 在这篇发表在《公共科学图书馆-医学》上文章里,来自美国杨百翰大学研究人员分析148份研究报告,这些研究追踪超过30万社交习惯

    Researchers from Brigham Young Universityreviewed 148 studies that tracked the social habits of more than 300,000people.


  • 64日,星期五杨百翰大学Brigham Young University)代表队的参赛选手们正在比赛竞技项目开始他们漫游者进行最后调试。

    Team members from Brigham Young University do a final check of their rover before starting one of the competition tasks on Friday, June 4.


  • Alan Hawkins是犹他州普罗沃杨百翰大学家庭生活教授他说迄今为止很多关于导致离婚因素研究实际上没人研究离婚的整个考虑过程。”

    Alan Hawkins, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says there's a lot of research on factors that predict divorce but "virtually no research on the thinking process."


  • Alan Hawkins是犹他州普罗沃杨百翰大学家庭生活教授他说迄今为止很多关于导致离婚因素研究实际上没人研究离婚的整个考虑过程。”

    Alan Hawkins, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says there's a lot of research on factors that predict divorce but "virtually no research on the thinking process."


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