• 博物馆收藏几件立体派杰作

    The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces.


  • 部戏杰作,可却大失所望

    The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.


  • 它们作为美国音乐剧杰作流芳百世

    They endure as masterworks of American musical theatre.


  • 幅画名副其实杰作

    The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.


  • 必须补充一点一部杰作

    His book, I must add, is a masterpiece.


  • 不能说它只是一部灾难一部杰作

    This is not just another disaster movieit's a masterpiece.


  • 建筑物外观一项建筑杰作精美雅致

    The exterior of the building was a masterpiece of architecture, elegant and graceful.


  • 作品誉为杰作

    The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.


  • 马莱特杰作17最终完成

    It took 17 years for Mullett's masterpiece to finally be completed.


  • 大哥当时忙于杰作之旅》。

    My eldest brother was then busy with his masterpiece "The Dream Journey".


  • 成果就是杰作——《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》。

    The result was her masterpiece, Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium.


  • 每块水晶都设计杰作并且没有一个是重复的。

    Every crystal was a masterpiece of design, and no one design was ever repeated.


  • 这座城市的现代建筑杰作如此感觉几乎就像一座露天博物馆

    These modern architectural masterpieces are so many that this city almost feels like an open air museum.


  • 这样精心编织精心设计杰作背景下这些怪癖似乎很难解释

    In the context of such finely spun, deliberate masterpieces, these quirks seemed hard to explain.


  • 这种蜂鸟杰作其他鸟类只能分享种种天赋全部给了

    Her masterpiece is this little humming-bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may only share.


  • 作为音乐史上具天赋天才之一,他16岁时创作了一部杰作

    One of the most gifted prodigies in the history of music, he produced his first masterpiece at sixteen.


  • 有趣的是叫做工作室里杰作朱利安艺术学校内部幅画

    Interestingly this masterpiece called In the Studio is a painting of the interior of Julian's art school.


  • 伦勃朗鲁盖尔、梵高荷兰艺术家杰作梵高博物馆、伦勃朗故居等地展出

    Masterpieces by Dutch artists such as Rembrandt, Bruegel, Van Gogh and others are on display at the Van Gogh Museum, Rembrandt House and others.


  • 意思是创造力局限于艺术杰作可以日常工作中发现烹饪园艺

    Creativity is not limited, I mean, to the masterpiece work of art but can also be found in everyday tasks such as cooking or gardening.


  • 我们法国南部其他地方洞穴壁画赞誉杰作,它们的历史可以追溯到大概2万年前

    We hail as masterpieces the cave paintings in southern France and elsewhere, dating back some 20,000 years.


  • 莫扎特费加罗婚姻无疑曲乐界杰作尽管适度创新仅限于扩展现有方法

    Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro is surely among the masterpieces of music even though its modest innovations are confined to extending existing means.


  • 然而尽管它们誉为艺术文学应该追求典范但荷马杰作一直学术届不稳定的根源

    However, even as they were celebrated as the models to which art literature should aspire, Homer's masterworks had also long been the source of scholarly unease.


  • 对于这些早期文学作品不安,其核心两个基本问题首先希腊文学两部杰作如何横空出世的?

    At the heart of the unease about these earliest works of literature were two fundamental questions: first, how could Greek literature have been born ex nihilo with two masterpieces?


  • 出差周前这个国家旅游时,收音机收听关于已故英国作家道格拉斯·亚当斯杰作银河系漫游指南相关评论。

    Traveling through the country a couple of weeks ago on business, I was listening to the talk of the late UK writer Douglas Adams' masterwork "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" on the radio.


  • 这本并未自封文学杰作

    The book doesn't pretend to be a great work of literature.


  • 斯蒂文斯感人至深的表演真是一个杰作

    Stevenson's deeply felt performance is a tour-de-force.


  • 海豚一样,已经成为造物杰作象征

    The whale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the marvels of creation.


  • 这些贴纸难道杰作吗?

    Did you make all these stickers?


  • 位画家确信他会被选中,但是当他把他的杰作展示给皇帝的宰相时,这位老人笑了。

    The artist was sure he would be chosen, but when he presented his masterpiece to the emperor's chief minister, the old man laughed.


  • 西拉尔达大寺院阿尔默哈德时代建筑杰作

    The Giralda minaret is the masterpiece of Almohad architecture.


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