When I was in a class which was ever used to re-prepare for NMET, When I was in an environment so disordered that no one can even bear, I got to know a friend, I used to call him "Bear".
No one knows what is going to happen, but they know it will be utter chaos and that the old familiar ways have vaporized.
English society did not undergo a Damascene conversion. Instead, it survived a period of intense confusion, debate, self-analysis and self-deception.
For many across the world at this time this is a time of deep chaos and the angelic realms are by your side holding you in our hearts.
This generally created a deeply muddled atmosphere, but somehow life and commerce went on, albeit at a fairly slow and inefficient pace.
Most legal experts dismissed Ceglia's lawsuit as outlandish, but it has resurfaced this week with evidence that promises to make this a messy affair.
But sometimes chaos, even one that adherents like to claim somewhat disingenuously is a "multi-stakeholder" approach, is not disastrous: the Internet mostly works.
很多士兵经常因极度危险的遭遇导致精神创伤。 受害者是如此之众,Morgan的想法能使士兵们摆脱PTSD的噩梦,同时也能让战场上的伙伴们避免产生致命的意识混乱吗?
With so many in danger, can Morgan's ideas prevent soldiers from slipping into the nightmare of PTSD, and keep others from life-threatening confusion on the battlefield?
If feelings of gender confusion go unaddressed, extreme depression may occur.
It has been used in the past to study and treat mental disorders from schizophrenia to depression, and has also proven an effective therapy for rehabilitating stroke victims.
As he tried to calm the frayed nerves of Middletown citizens, Reid also had to take measures to make sure no one took advantage of the disruption.
Because he is always extremely tired, he has trouble concentrating and learning new things. He's also unorganized and depressed because he's so tired.
Stuttering has caused millions of people to agonize over this speech disorder.
Stuttering has caused millions of people to agonize over this speech disorder.