“林肯公园”乐队的麦克 信田设计了一款T恤衫,销售所得善款将送给“音乐赈灾”组织的日本海啸赈灾活动。
Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park has designed a T-shirt to benefit Music for Relief's Tsunami Relief in Japan.
U.S. rock band Linkin Park will arrive at the Shanghai stop of their world tour concert on November 18.
日本强震发生后,Lady Gaga、“林肯公园”乐队及众多明星纷纷召集粉丝为地震海啸捐款。
Celebrities from Lady Gaga to Linkin Park rallied their fans to ante up for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan.
Metallica and Linkin Park fans were also more than willing the average music lover to go all the way.
Metallica and Linkin Park fans were also more than willing the average music lover to go all the way.