The scoring criteria are divided into 4 parts :contents of operation, standard marks, mark-deducting reasons and mark- deducting standards.
Radiological clearance of lesions as measured by standard scores was also maximal in the high-dose INH group, according to the article.
标准分数是将原始卷面分数经过某种数学公式转换后 ,扣除难度和区分度等客观因素影响而只考虑主观因素影响的一种相对分数。
The standard score is influenced by subjective factors only while free of the influence of such objective factors as the degree of difficulty and the degree of differentiation.
标准分数是将原始卷面分数经过某种数学公式转换后 ,扣除难度和区分度等客观因素影响而只考虑主观因素影响的一种相对分数。
The standard score is influenced by subjective factors only while free of the influence of such objective factors as the degree of difficulty and the degree of differentiation.