Researchers have discovered a potential new species of comb, or ctenophore, jellyfish near the Ryukyu Trench near Japan.
A Bathypelagic Ctenophore from the benthic boundary layer, which was found attached to seafloor by adhesive tentacles.
The report says more than 1,000 fist-sized comb jellies can be found in a cubic yard (meter) of Black Sea water during a bloom.
This predatory species was found at 23, 678 feet (7, 217 meters), where scientists had previously thought it was impossible to support such life.
共记录到水母类4 1种,其中水螅水母35种,钵水母4种,栉水母2种。主要以近岸低盐类型为主,高盐种类少并且出现时间短。
There were totally 41 species, among which were 35 species of Hydrozoa, 4 species of Scyphomedusae and 2 species of Ctenophore, respectively.
共记录到水母类4 1种,其中水螅水母35种,钵水母4种,栉水母2种。主要以近岸低盐类型为主,高盐种类少并且出现时间短。
There were totally 41 species, among which were 35 species of Hydrozoa, 4 species of Scyphomedusae and 2 species of Ctenophore, respectively.