To ensure that the correct feed reader implementation is used, you also create a factory class that provides the appropriate feed reader based on your eventual desired output format.
two data format conversion tasks, local data repositories to store customer orders for later use in the process, and a process loop to select and forward orders to the correct manufacturing plant.
In Listing 9, the code that formatted the address is moved to interfaces, implementation classes, and a factory - building the "use interfaces" habit.
The ButterflyFactory class reads this configuration file format and ACTS as a factory for Butterfly objects (see Listing 9).
In the latter case, the component USES the Factory design pattern to look up the default formatters for the class of the specified value.
Artists are being encouraged to transmit songs and a photograph of themselves on a digital format, which will then be evaluated by the talent scouts.
Artists are being encouraged to transmit songs and a photograph of themselves on a digital format, which will then be evaluated by the talent scouts.