• 笑话不断,把得直乐。

    He kept the whole table entertained with his jokes.


  • 一直看着吃东西

    All the while the people at the next table watched me eat.


  • 最近一张空了下来

    I sat down at the nearest unoccupied table.


  • 预订八点钟人用餐的

    I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock.


  • 走近办公我瞪眼。

    She glares at me if I go near her desk.


  • 离开清理干净了办公

    I had cleared my desk before I left.


  • 摔倒了

    He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table.


  • 非常讨厌只好座位

    The people at my table were so obnoxious I had to change my seat.


  • 他们需要相当充足的光线。

    They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light.


  • 这些下都一层绿色防滑

    The table mats and coasters have a non-slip, soft green backing.


  • 意识,感到很不自在

    I became uncomfortably aware that the people at the next table were watching me.


  • 看见坐在窗的沐浴阳光中

    I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.


  • 尼娜目光碰上了对面姐妹们的目光。

    Nina's eyes met her sisters' across the table.


  • 台面玻璃制成

    The top of the table is made of glass.


  • 不是那种格子办公后坐得住

    I'm not the kind of person to sit in a cubicle behind a desk.


  • 他们旁边了一,有十几个

    There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.


  • 之中大部分工作时间都坐在办公

    I spend most of my working day sitting at a desk.


  • 男人们松树树荫下折叠草坪

    Men set up folding tables and lawn chairs in the shade of giant pine trees.


  • 习惯作为惟一孩子坐在成年人旁。

    I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.


  • 到了我们咖啡跌倒了,前额起了一个大包。

    She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.


  • 身穿华丽深蓝色天鹅绒衣服贝茜正在旁徘徊。

    Bessie, resplendent in royal blue velvet, was hovering beside the table.


  • 两个空位就近一个位子上坐下

    He walked back to the table and sat at the nearest of two empty places.


  • 作为募捐方警官今天穿上围裙,接受点菜,收拾

    As a fund-raiser, police officers will don aprons, take orders and bus tables today.


  • 一些雇员不得不轮用办公直到能够找到更多的办公场所为止。

    Some employees will have to hot-desk until more accommodation can be found.


  • 老师办公室里5张办公

    There are five desks in the teacher's office.


  • 吃饭的时候,关掉电视离开办公

    While eating, turn off the TV and get away from the work desk.


  • 爱丽丝看见一张玻璃

    Alice saw a small glass table.


  • 人们围聚享受美食彼此陪伴

    People gathered around a table, enjoying food and each other's company.


  • 电脑占地方了。

    The computer table takes too much room.


  • 一个迷你台球

    There is a mini pool table.


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