• 他用手指不停地敲击桌面

    He drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk.


  • 拿了块布厨房桌面擦得干干净净。

    She took a cloth and wiped down the kitchen table.


  • 不知谁用蜡笔胡画,桌面满了

    Someone had scribbled all over the table in crayon.


  • 罗德尼录音机放在桌面上,下了播放

    Rodney put the recorder on the desk top and pushed the play button.


  • 装饰品摆满了三个展示柜,占据了整个桌面

    Knickknacks filled three display cases and covered all the table tops.


  • 软饮料到处都是堆满桌面了一地。

    Empty soft-drink cans lie everywhere. They clutter the desks and are strewn across the floor.


  • 然后一道突如其来的巨大霹雳充满整个电脑桌面

    A dramatic full-sized lightning bolt will then fill your screen's desktop.


  • 惟一需要桌面击鼠标,然后选择新建文件夹”。

    All you have to do is right-click on the desktop and select New Folder.


  • 创造desktoppublishing桌面出版)这个词组

    Who coined the phrase 'desktop publishing'?


  • 与其把整个屏幕摆满新的快捷键,倒不如一下屏幕底部任务栏切换桌面

    Rather than crowd your screen with new shortcuts, you can switch to a new desktop by clicking on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.


  • 电脑游戏桌面吗?

    Is my computer game on the desktop?


  • 保持桌面整洁

    Keep your desks clean, please.


  • 桌面不平

    The table is not level.


  • 一个可以任何桌面其他表面投射激光虚拟键盘

    This is a virtual keyboard with laser impressions on any table or other surface.


  • 少又所以他们通常设计图案画白色桌面

    Paper was scarce and expensive, so typically they drew the design onto a white tabletop.


  • 他们一切内容都存储文档文件夹或者桌面

    They store everything in the My Documents folder or on the desktop.


  • 物理个好处就是,桌面实验做到直观危险地反映结果。

    Physics has the advantage that the desktop experiments can do are relatively straight forward than not dangerous.


  • 名男子假装苹果桌面新的iPadpro怀里

    This man pretends his Apple desktop is the new iPad pro and cradles it in his arms.


  • 呼吸设为屏幕保护程序桌面图片,或作为一个便条贴墙壁冰箱办公桌上。

    Put the word "Breath" as a screensaver or desktop pic, or put it up as a note on your wall, fridge, or your desk.


  • 我们可能正接近一个时代届时个人电脑脱离桌面我们能够自己在场地方看到听到触摸操作物体

    We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present.


  • 参与的会议看到,某个没有参会共享桌面人发送了一条即时信息,其中某个参加会议人有不敬之词。

    I was once in a meeting where somebody not in the meeting sent an IM to the person sharing his desktop, that disparaged one of the other meeting participants.


  • 启动Squeak单击工具(Tools),拖拽一个工作空间(workspace)抄本(transcript)窗口桌面

    Start Squeak, click Tools, then drag a workspace and transcript window onto your desktop.


  • 轻击桌面打着拍子。

    She tapped out the beat on the table.


  • 桌面擦亮好吗?

    Can you polish the top of the table?


  • 总是在一天结束的时候花五分钟整理我的电脑桌面

    I always spend about five minutes at the end of the day tidying up the desktop on my computer.


  • 另一警卫铺着光滑白石桌面上拿起座机了个电话。

    Another guard makes a phone call from a desk topped with a smooth slab of white stone.


  • 桌子桌面严重地损坏

    The surface of the table was badly marred up.


  • 地把盘子桌面

    She banged the plates on the table.


  • 他们桌面餐厅里。

    They rolled the round tabletop into the dining hall.


  • 他们桌面餐厅里。

    They rolled the round tabletop into the dining hall.


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