Study of rice floral development has become a new focus of plant molecular genetics.
This study reveals not only the technique of propagation of P. ensiformis with spores for horticulture but also the proper conditions for molecular biology, genetics and systematics study.
Biochemistry, General Ecology, Botany, Cell Genetics, Molecular Genetics…
A 6掌握植物学、动物学、微生物学、生物化学、遗传学、细胞生物学、分子生物学等生物学基础学科相关的基础理论和基本知识。
A6 To have a solid basic theory and basic knowledge of biology-based courses, including botany, zoology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, etc.
Botany, Animal, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, cell biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, genetic engineering, Enzyme engineering, fermentation engineering, cell engineering, etc.
The researches of Quercus have been on the modern distribution, origin and phylogeny, fossil history, genetics and molecular biology etc.
Classes in this field explore the molecular genetics of bacteria and viruses, human heredity, plant and animal hybridization, and related topics.
This discovery has important implications for our understanding of molecular evolution and genetic research involving plants, including genetically modified crops.
Over the last decade of genetic studies of model plant Arabidopsis, a largely linear model of plant ethylene signal transduction pathway has been established.
Lesion mimic mutant is important for understanding of the defense-single system of disease resistance, it also is focused on the fields of plant physiology, molecular biology and molecular genetics.
Lesion mimic mutant is important for understanding of the defense-single system of disease resistance, it also is focused on the fields of plant physiology, molecular biology and molecular genetics.