Collection, storage and handling of plant genetic resources and their global distribution are essential components of international crop and tree improvement programmes.
Only the sharing of plant genetic material from different regions and countries will enable us to explore the unknown characteristics and the future potential of plant genetic resources.
October 2007, Rome - a new multilateral system for the fair and equitable sharing of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture has become operational, FAO announced today.
The Multilateral System is part of the legally-binding International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture that entered into force in 2004 and has been ratified by 115 countries.
They require patent applicants to declare any use of hereditary material obtained from humans, animals, plants or microbes if inventions are dependent on those genetic resources.
The method can be widely used in the fields of plant seed quality examination, plant breeding, long-term conservation of genetic germplasm grain storage and the quality analysis of food raw material.
The genetic relationship is too narrow. Therefore, it is necessary to broaden the Saccharum related plant resources so as to enrich the sugarcane heterogeneity.
The Diospyros used as fruit tree was discussed in aspect of economic value, the origins, history of culture, cultivar resources, cultivar development, traits heredity, and cultivar breeding.
Developing water-saving and drought-resistant plant germplasm resources are the prerequisite for plant drought resistance and WUE (water use efficiency) genetic improvement.
This study should be academic value and significant in classification, origin and evolution, further protection and utilization of wild plants, and genetics and breeding engineering.
This article illuminates the physiological response which forces to the salt, bears the salty mechanism, salt endurance evaluation, improvement and application of the garden plants in our country.
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The website provides numerous valuable web resources about Botany, Ecology, Zoology, Genetics, and related pictures and tools.