• 一个简单术语概括以下事实工作中的关系可以合理是非亲密的,无关紧要的,不重要的,甚至可以说可抛弃可替代的。

    It's a simple term that encapsulates the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate, inconsequential, unimportant and even, dare I say it, disposable or substitutable.


  • 事实问题的答案非常简单,简单可以两个概括周围杂音

    In fact, the answer is fairly simple, and can be summed up in two words: ambient noise.


  • 科技论文英语摘要是一篇论文研究报告中重要事实观点概括,应突出重点实质性内容

    The abstract of a scientific English essay is the most important summary of facts and views, which includes main points and substantive contents.


  • 习惯就象这些文章一样,首先一种事实方式呈现基础,我的宽泛的概括罕见的得到认可

    My habit as I write these chapters is to first present the basics in a "matter of fact" fashion, rarely acknowledging that there are exceptions to my broad generalizations.


  • 凌驾于个别化犯罪事实之上,从各种犯罪事实抽象概括出来具有一般性普遍性的要件的总和

    It places itself above individual crime fact, abstracting and summarizing with general, universality total of necessary condition that comes out of various kinds of crime fact.


  • 经历中的主要事实可以容易句话概括

    The leading facts of his career can easily be packed into a few sentences.


  • 文章考察了1952~1999年间我国经济周期性波动统计规律性从中概括出我国经济周期的典型事实

    This paper conducts an empirical analysis of economic fluctuation from 1952 to 1999 in China, and provides some important stylized facts.


  • 论文不同类型事实基本特点进行了总结概括,明确指出了不同类型事实的采写活动的特点。

    Basic characteristics of the facts of different types are summarized and generalized, characteristics of interviewing and writing activities of facts of different types are clearly pointed out.


  • 双线结构”说中的“双线”指的“两条故事线索”,《只有条叙事线索的事实“双线结构”这个概括语中没有得到体现

    The fact that the novel Drugs only has a clue is not embodied in the word"two-clued structure".


  • 事实很难概括阿拉伯人而言外观生活方式

    In fact, it is difficult to generalize about Arabs in terms of appearance or way of life.


  • 大规模侵权不是一个传统法学领域概念而是社会变迁作为背景,对大量案件事实情形进行概括提炼法学概念。

    "Massive torts" is not a traditional concept of the field of law, but a concept based on the summarizing of a large number of cases with the social change as a background.


  • 讨论在条件句前件中“居然”、“竟然语法意义发现以前它们语法意义概括“对已然事实出乎意料并不全面

    When we discuss the grammatical meanings of Actually and Unexpectedly, we found that it is not comprehensive to define their grammatical meanings as the unexpected out of the ever known things.


  • 切记概括不是事实代表作者关于一系列特别事实判断

    Remember that a generalization is not a fact and it represents the writer's judgment only about a particular set of facts.


  • 想象力是这样起作用引出适用于具体事实本身一般规律然后理性地概括这些规律一致种种可能性。

    It works by eliciting the general principles which apply to the facts as they exist, and then by an intellectual survey of alternative possibilities which are consistent with those principles.


  • 裁判事实性质可以从两方面概括,裁判事实种裁判者确信真的认识法律视其真的事实

    The nature of the fact as adjudicating ground is studied in the sixth part. The fact is the knowledge that the fact-finder believes it is true and is one the law regarded as true.


  • 裁判事实性质可以从两方面概括,裁判事实种裁判者确信真的认识法律视其真的事实

    The nature of the fact as adjudicating ground is studied in the sixth part. The fact is the knowledge that the fact-finder believes it is true and is one the law regarded as true.


- 来自原声例句

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