Based on the uncertainty of linear model for single - inversed pendulum, a gray prediction model is built up.
The model uncertainties or model errors also can be considered through some fictitious observation equations.
But, due to the uncertainty of the magnetic levitation system model, its control has been a major problem in the control field.
In Hypermedia Educational System, it is one of critical issues to process uncertainty of student mode.
Model transformation method are induced to avoid conservative robust design by decreasing the model uncertainties .
With taking into account some uncertainty factors, the vibration control model of piezoelectricity intelligent beam structure is founded.
Uncertainty in the geological model is included during the design process to ensure optimal data quality as well as deliver analysis that accurately reflects the reservoir.
Aiming at dynamic model uncertainties and load disturbances of robot manipulators, an iterative learning control scheme using neural networks is presented.
The simulation results showed that the tracking of this fuzzy variable structure controller to the module uncertainness and ambient interference was rather well, which had good robu...
The results show that the control law can control vectored aircraft to accomplish post-stall maneuvers very well and it is very robust to model uncertainty.
Considering the uncertainty of network model and time variability of network parameters, a fuzzy control active queue management algorithm based on input rate and queue variance is proposed.
DSP chip is applied in hardware design to ensure real-time performance of control system, and fuzzy-neural network algorithm is adopted to overcome uncertainness of control model.
Uncertainties in the model gave the scientists only a broad estimate of ice loss in the East Antarctic ice sheet of between 5bn and 109bn tonnes a year.
Fuzzy logical tool is used to design the interface, which has certain intelligence and suits to the settlement of plant multi-model structure as well as structure uncertainty.
In addition to considering the uncertainties of load forecasting at each node, the fault occurrence location and the fault-clearing time, the uncertainty of load model is also taken into account.
A adaptive PID controller is presented for the time-variant and uncertainty of simulator system. The self-tuning of PID parameters online is realized using the controller.
We know that climate models predict a much more uncertain climate for world agriculture, with potentially devastating down-side possibilities.
The uncertainty owing to both the sampling variability and the choice of model (s) should be given when disease burden results are presented.
The recent doubling of many modelers' predictions for 2100 is itself an illustration of the scope of that uncertainty; who knows what revisions may occur in the years ahead.
Sampling variability explains only a portion of the overall uncertainty in a modelled estimate.
Bayesian model averaging was used to combine the results across models and to provide a measure of uncertainty that reflects the choice of model and the sampling variability.
Being able to quantify uncertainty, and incorporate it into models, is what makes science quantitative, rather than qualitative.
By incorporating this newly discovered "climate insensitivity" into their models, the international team was able to reduce uncertainty in its future climate projections.
While the uncertainty in the results from Jacobson's model and his own experiments is large, Ramanathan said he "wouldn't rule out that black carbon is the second-largest global warmer."
There are few practical models for constructing the expert systems to solve fuzzy and uncertainty decision problems up to date.
The ambiguity and uncertainty of reservoir actual structure and fluid flow mechanics make it difficult for conventional modeling and algorithms to describe and solve.
Finally, using the case analysis, it illustrates the construction of the customer satisfaction assessing models and the applicability of the assessing method under the uncertainty cases.
Finally, using the case analysis, it illustrates the construction of the customer satisfaction assessing models and the applicability of the assessing method under the uncertainty cases.