• 基于一级倒立摆系统线性模型不确定性,建立了灰色预测模型

    Based on the uncertainty of linear model for single - inversed pendulum, a gray prediction model is built up.


  • 模型不确定性(模型误差)通过建立的虚拟观测方程来考虑的。

    The model uncertainties or model errors also can be considered through some fictitious observation equations.


  • 磁悬浮系统由于模型不确定性,对控制一直是控制难题

    But, due to the uncertainty of the magnetic levitation system model, its control has been a major problem in the control field.


  • 适应教育超媒体系统中,学生模型不确定性因素处理非常重要问题

    In Hypermedia Educational System, it is one of critical issues to process uncertainty of student mode.


  • 提出采用模型变换方法,减小系统模型的不确定性从而减小设计保守性。

    Model transformation method are induced to avoid conservative robust design by decreasing the model uncertainties .


  • 此基础上,考虑模型确定性因素建立了确定压电智能结构振动控制模型

    With taking into account some uncertainty factors, the vibration control model of piezoelectricity intelligent beam structure is founded.


  • 设计过程考虑到了地质模型不确定性确保数据最优化,并油藏特点进行准确分析

    Uncertainty in the geological model is included during the design process to ensure optimal data quality as well as deliver analysis that accurately reflects the reservoir.


  • 针对机器人动力学模型不确定性负载扰动提出了一种采用神经网络的机器人迭代学习控制方法

    Aiming at dynamic model uncertainties and load disturbances of robot manipulators, an iterative learning control scheme using neural networks is presented.


  • 仿真结果表明模糊结构控制法模型不确定性外来干扰跟踪性能,性较优。

    The simulation results showed that the tracking of this fuzzy variable structure controller to the module uncertainness and ambient interference was rather well, which had good robu...


  • 仿真结果表明控制控制推力矢量飞机顺利完成过失速机动系统模型不确定性具有较强的棒性。

    The results show that the control law can control vectored aircraft to accomplish post-stall maneuvers very well and it is very robust to model uncertainty.


  • 针对网络模型不确定性参数变性,该文提出一种基于输入速率队列长度变化模糊控制主动队列管理算法

    Considering the uncertainty of network model and time variability of network parameters, a fuzzy control active queue management algorithm based on input rate and queue variance is proposed.


  • 控制系统硬件采用DSP芯片保证系统实时性;软件采用了模糊-神经网络算法,以克服系统模型的不确定性

    DSP chip is applied in hardware design to ensure real-time performance of control system, and fuzzy-neural network algorithm is adopted to overcome uncertainness of control model.


  • 模型不确定性导致其结果只能科学家一个大致估计南极东部冰盖的消融速度介于每年50亿1090亿吨之间

    Uncertainties in the model gave the scientists only a broad estimate of ice loss in the East Antarctic ice sheet of between 5bn and 109bn tonnes a year.


  • 上下层之间接口设计采用模糊逻辑表示方法,具有一定智能性,可处理受控对象的多模型结构以及对象模型不确定性

    Fuzzy logical tool is used to design the interface, which has certain intelligence and suits to the settlement of plant multi-model structure as well as structure uncertainty.


  • 其中计及了节点注入功率确定性、沿线事故发生地点确定性以及事故清除时间不确定性外,计及了负荷模型的不确定性

    In addition to considering the uncertainties of load forecasting at each node, the fault occurrence location and the fault-clearing time, the uncertainty of load model is also taken into account.


  • 针对仿真转台系统变性模型不确定性特点,提出采用基于遗传算法PID适应控制器实现控制器参数在线自寻优。

    A adaptive PID controller is presented for the time-variant and uncertainty of simulator system. The self-tuning of PID parameters online is realized using the controller.


  • 我们知道气候模型在为世界农业预测气候方面具有确定性,它存在着潜在地灾难性可能性

    We know that climate models predict a much more uncertain climate for world agriculture, with potentially devastating down-side possibilities.


  • 由于抽样变异性模型选择所引起不确定性展示疾病负担结果时候予以说明。

    The uncertainty owing to both the sampling variability and the choice of model (s) should be given when disease burden results are presented.


  • 最近许多气候模型研究者2100预测翻番就是这种不确定性一种表现;知道将来又来有什么调整呢。

    The recent doubling of many modelers' predictions for 2100 is itself an illustration of the scope of that uncertainty; who knows what revisions may occur in the years ahead.


  • 抽样变异性仅仅解释了模型估测整个不确定性一部分

    Sampling variability explains only a portion of the overall uncertainty in a modelled estimate.


  • 贝叶斯模型平均用来综合模型结果提供一种反映模型选择抽样变异性不确定性度量

    Bayesian model averaging was used to combine the results across models and to provide a measure of uncertainty that reflects the choice of model and the sampling variability.


  • 量化不确定性然后其融入模型中去正是科学量化的方法,停留在定性的层面上。

    Being able to quantify uncertainty, and incorporate it into models, is what makes science quantitative, rather than qualitative.


  • “对气候影响的灵敏度”的发现加入他们的模型中后,新模型使这个国际小组预测气候的时候,就减少一些不确定性

    By incorporating this newly discovered "climate insensitivity" into their models, the international team was able to reduce uncertainty in its future climate projections.


  • 虽然雅各布森模型自己的实验结果仍有很大确定性,但拉马·纳坦排除全球变暖第二大因素。”

    While the uncertainty in the results from Jacobson's model and his own experiments is large, Ramanathan said he "wouldn't rule out that black carbon is the second-largest global warmer."


  • 迄今为止,很少较为实用模型用以建立解决模糊性不确定性决策问题专家系统

    There are few practical models for constructing the expert systems to solve fuzzy and uncertainty decision problems up to date.


  • 实际油藏构造流动机理模糊性不确定性使得传统模型算法无法或者很难描述和求解。

    The ambiguity and uncertainty of reservoir actual structure and fluid flow mechanics make it difficult for conventional modeling and algorithms to describe and solve.


  • 最后通过实证分析说明顾客满意度测评模型构建方法以及验证不确定性情况测评方法实际应用适用性。

    Finally, using the case analysis, it illustrates the construction of the customer satisfaction assessing models and the applicability of the assessing method under the uncertainty cases.


  • 最后通过实证分析说明顾客满意度测评模型构建方法以及验证不确定性情况测评方法实际应用适用性。

    Finally, using the case analysis, it illustrates the construction of the customer satisfaction assessing models and the applicability of the assessing method under the uncertainty cases.


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进来说说原因吧 确定