Today, we'll start our journey from the heart of Europe - Switzerland.
The European heart is beating here on the Vistula and the Baltic Sea.
Switzerland lies at the heart of Europe. To its west is France, to its north is Germany, to its east is Austria and to its south is Italy.
The heart of Europe? That is where you find Limburg, a unique Belgian province with amazing possibilities for anyone who lives, works or visits here.
We became truly international by learning at the heart of European innovation – in Geneva, Switzerland, more than 30 years ago.
The EU, he says, is “a great invention” to be preserved and revitalised. “The European heart is beating here on the Vistula and the Baltic Sea.”
Located in the heart of Europe, you have well-connected transport facilities and serve as a bridge between Eastern and Western markets.
Usually curable nowadays with antibiotics, it ravaged Europe for centuries, working on the victim's skin, joints, stomach, heart and brain.
The study "Environmental tobacco smoke and cardiometabolic risk in young children" was published in the European Heart Journal.
Compared with Europeans, Americans are more likely to receive medication if they have heart disease, high cholesterol, lung disease or osteoporosis.
The world's longest tunnel will take shape deep beneath the Swiss Alps on Friday when a giant drilling machine clears a path for a key high speed railway through the heart of Europe.
Heart attacks may fall more modestly in Britain than other European countries because many workplaces imposed smoking bans before nationwide laws were passed.
People who neither drink nor exercise have a 30 to 49 percent higher risk of heart disease than people who do one or both of the activities, the researchers said in the European Heart Journal.
The authors of the study, published in the European Heart Journal did emphasise that "further research is needed, " and that chocolate should be eaten in moderation.
Until then, there had been no successful heart transplants on babies in Europe. The two attempted in Britain had both failed.
Until then, there had been no successful heart transplants on babies in Europe.
As per the new study published in the 'European heart Journal,' people who regularly work overtime increase their risk of developing heart disease or suffering from heart attack by 60 percent.
Mortality due to heart attacks ?still the main cause of death in Europe ?has been cut by more than half over the past 20 years.
At the start of the study, which was published in the European Heart Journal, participants were assessed for emotions ranging from hostility and anxiousness to joy, enthusiasm and contentment.
Similarly, when European researchers looked at the records of 3,779 heart patients, 42% of them women, they found that women weren't worked up as thoroughly.
Two rival teams of scientists have discovered a common genetic variation that increases the risk of heart disease up to 60 percent in people of European descent.
Virtanen and colleagues published their findings in the European Heart Journal.
The European Heart Journal report adds further weight to evidence that sitting for long periods can be bad for health.
But the illusion of Europe embedded deep in the heart of Africa vanishes barely a mile from the center of town.
The success of the Italian approach has led the European Society of Cardiology and the International Olympic Committee to recommend EKG screening for all competitive athletes.
Its position at the heart of Europe has meant that Austria has always been a junction for communications between the continent's main economic and cultural centres.
VHD remains a common disease in Europe and cardiologists must diagnose, manage and choose the best therapy.
Writing in the European Heart Journal, the researchers said their findings add to a growing list of reasons why people should get annual flu shots.
Writing in the European Heart Journal, the researchers said their findings add to a growing list of reasons why people should get annual flu shots.