• 葡萄牙损失更大:2003到2006年间,四分之一工作都是被外来者拿走主要是来自欧盟成员国

    Portugal has suffered more: a quarter of its job losses between 2003 and 2006 involved jobs heading overseas, mostly to new EU members.


  • 匈牙利大部分软件公司出口税收先前2003年时候,欧盟15个成员国制定的。 所以匈牙利遵从欧盟的成员国收取百分之十七的出口税对于巴尔干半岛地区则收百分之十四。

    Most of the export revenues of the software firms (53%) came from the former 15 member states of the EU in 2003, followed by 17% share of the new EU-members and 14% of the Balkan countries.


  • 很多保守党人利用欧元条约作为一些英国业务放到桌面上机会欧元条约由27个欧盟成员国同意

    Many Conservatives would like to use a new treaty on the euro, agreed on among all 27 eu members, as a chance to put some British business onto the table.


  • 根据周三公布一项裁决欧盟成员国必须所有大豆食品饲料进行检验,之后才能放行。

    Under a new ruling announced yesterday (Wednesday), European member states will be obliged to test all food and animal feed containing soya before distribution.


  • 事实上大多数成员国很少发言官员们扩大欧盟会议空泛的长篇大论已经很多

    In fact, most new members rarely speak; officials report that there is much less waffle in enlarged EU meetings.


  • 根据我们考察我们建议欧盟成员国克罗地亚考虑所有需要长期关怀服务人建立一种普遍基本保护体制

    Based on our review, we are suggesting that new European Union member states and Croatia consider a universal system of basic protection for all individuals requiring long-term care service.


  • 中立芬兰人民瑞典人民的欢迎。挪威也会乐于的非欧盟成员国比邻而居。

    Its neutrality would go down well with the Finns and Swedes; Norway would be glad to have another non-EU country next door.


  • 欧盟不应掩盖分歧而是需要采用一种模式,让行驶快车道成员国充当先锋,为整个欧洲一体化项目赋予目标

    Rather than hiding this division, the EU now needs a model in which fast-lane nations act as pioneers who endow the whole project with new purpose.


  • 欧盟条约必须获得所有27个成员国批准爱尔兰现在唯一一个必须举行投票批准里斯本条约的欧盟成员。

    All 27 countries of the EU must ratify each new treaty and Ireland is the only one which must still hold a vote to approve Lisbon.


  • 布鲁塞尔因成立欧洲事务部而感到高兴但是可能需要土耳其大半被拖延欧盟成员国谈判注入的活力。

    Brussels is pleased by the establishment of a new ministry for European affairs, but more may be needed to reinvigorate Turkey's largely stalled EU membership talks.


  • 提高各机构工作效率无可厚非,甚至可以说欧盟吸收成员国以及采纳政策需要各机构变得更加高效,这一定道理

    There is nothing wrong with greater efficiency. There is even a certain logic in arguing that expansion of the EU—both to new countries and to new policiesrequires more efficient institutions.


  • 不过最近敌意则对准欧盟东欧成员国——尤其是波兰罗马尼亚——西迁而来,且规模甚的移民群体。

    But the latest hostility has been aimed at the far larger Numbers who have moved westwards from the new east European members of the European Union, notably Poland and Romania.


  • 罗马尼亚保加利亚两个成员国由于腐败问题欧盟削减资助基金,资格较大成员国受到的待遇却完全不同。

    Two new members, Romania and Bulgaria, have had EU funds docked because of problems with corruption. Bigger, older members would not be treated the same way.


  • 1991年欧洲峰会荷兰马斯特里赫特举行同时实现经济货币联盟计划写入欧盟条约,但是稍后有待于成员国批准

    Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later.


  • 波兰作为欧盟成员国重中之重,她无疑能满足瑞典的需求!

    Poland—the biggest of the EU's new memberscould prove to be just that.


  • 一个主要原因欧盟之间自由往来,使成千上万欧盟成员国能够其他富足成员国工作生活

    A big reason is freedom of movement within the European Union, which has enabled millions of people from the new member states to live and work legally in the richer part of the continent.


  • 欧盟委员会表示希腊西班牙匈牙利葡萄牙将取消来自欧盟成员国罗马尼亚保加利亚务工者限制

    The European Commission says Greece, Spain, Hungary and Portugal are lifting restrictions on workers from new EU members Romania and Bulgaria.


  • 欧盟这项计划目标被布置成员国的计划中。

    The new plan turns these goals into national targets.


  • 一些老牌欧盟成员国经济尤其是德国奥地利,在此次东扩中获利颇丰-使得他们对待新成员国所表现出来的敌意更加不通情理

    The economies of several old EU members, notably Germany and Austria, have gained massively from enlargementmaking their hostility especially perverse.


  • 一背景下成员国如何看待欧盟及其成员国之间适当平衡会受到影响

    This background also influences the new members' views on the right balance between the Union and its member states.


  • 欧元启动欧盟成员国所得税法协调提出要求

    A euro start set the new request to eu member obtained tax law's coordinated.


  • 2004年欧盟正是这样态度,期待成员国匈牙利和斯洛伐克能够日渐友好

    That was the recipe the European Union applied to its new members in 2004.


  • 欧盟批准11成员国引入税收政策,该政策专门阻止金融投机

    The European Union has allowed 11 of its member states to introduce a new tax designed to discourage financial speculation.


  • 最有可能的情况是,英国希望欧盟成员国达成安排某种形式保留互惠

    Most likely, the UK will look to enter into a new arrangement with the EU member states so that reciprocity in some form will remain.


  • 挪威乐于的非欧盟成员国比邻而居。

    Norway would be glad to have another non-EU country next door.


  • 研制药品若想进入欧盟市场,制药公司位于伦敦的EMA提交MAA以便欧盟28个成员国推广研发的药品

    Pharmaceutical companies must submit MAAs to the London-based EMA in order to market a newly developed medicinal product in the EU's 28 member states.


  • 目前一部一般数据保护条例引起了普遍热议,条例欧盟成员国直接生效

    At the moment, there has been much debate concerning a new general data protection regulation which will have direct force on the member states of the European Union.


  • 目前一部一般数据保护条例引起了普遍热议,条例欧盟成员国直接生效

    At the moment, there has been much debate concerning a new general data protection regulation which will have direct force on the member states of the European Union.


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