If they see the scene, they must take their breathes. Then that will be their secret place too.
Rescue teams on the spot are still working hard to search for survivors of the landslide.
The park labourer who just and on the spot started construction at that time said that the Ning tight screw, then prismatic glass glue in putting on superficy all generally can fix.
And a strange sight in the nation's capital Monday: Local news crews were on the scene as 2 large bucks were pulled from waters near the Tidal Basin in Washington d.
John was studying the medallion in the evidence bag – the killer's calling card.
It's also a good idea to delay the conversation if you are in a meeting or other public space.
Contact tracing and field investigations are under way and samples have been taken to determine whether family members and other close contacts may have been infected.
WHO is deploying further experts in clinical management to support the Ministry of Health and to strengthen field assessments.
Further field and laboratory investigations are being performed to identify the aetiology.
许多国家正在建立或强化自身的现场流行病学培训计划 (FETP),以满足对人力资源的需求,但面临着持续性和培训质量方面的挑战。
Many countries are establishing or enhancing their field epidemiology training programmes (FETPs) to meet human resource needs but face challenges in sustainability and training quality.
This creates a new problem within an enterprise: The employees are becoming more isolated, and on-site social interactions are less frequent.
She was watching the live broadcast of the Academy Awards ceremony and saw a young African-American actor receiving the film industry's highest honor.
We are collating the feedback from the field and using it to improve the design of the scheme.
WHO Country office is assisting the MOH national field team and the District health officials.
We also discovered that the live concert business growing by 30pc a year, but there was no single television platform or other creative venue that gives bands an outlet, so we provided that.
A central logistics platform is being finalized to provide support to local field communications, to put in place field accommodation facilities and to ensure basic living conditions.
A ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime.
Fifa are investigating why thousands of fans failed to turn up for the opening matches of the World Cup in South Africa.
The participants from Trondheim are also documenting the architecture of the 20th century on the site, to preserve the memories of daily life of the residential neighbourhood that is disappearing.
At the scene of the van accident, Police and EMT personnel do their thing while Sheriff Nate Ballard discusses the situation with Bellick.
Investigators of the National Transportation Safety Board were at the accident scene, Wallers said.
Tests are being done on ash from the site for remains of incinerated paintings and wood sculptures.
Prosecutors are increasingly using cell-phone records to show that a suspect was near the scene of a crime — or not where he claimed to be.
Teams with expertise in field operations, vaccines, and the logistics of their distribution are now working in the JW Lee Centre for Strategic Health operations (the SHOC room).
Teams with expertise in field operations, vaccines, and the logistics of their distribution are now working in the JW Lee Centre for Strategic Health operations (the SHOC room).